The Fifth Week Vascular Physiology and Cardiovascular Control

The Fifth Week Vascular Physiology and Cardiovascular Control

‎Which part provides the greatest resistance to blood flow?‌‎‌
A: Aorta
B: Arteriole
C: Venules
D: Capillaries
答案: 【 Arteriole

‏Which of the following does not contribute to increased stroke volume during exercise?‍‏‍
A: Increased end-diastolic volume.
B: Increased sympathetic stimulation of ventricular muscle.
C: Increased venous return.
D: Increased length of filling time during diastole.
答案: 【 Increased length of filling time during diastole.

‏Release of which of the following substances causes vasodilation and increased capillary permeability during anaphylactic shock? ‌‏‌
A: Nitric oxide (一氧化氮)
B: Bradykinin (缓激肽)
C: Histamine (组胺)
D: Atrial natriuretic peptide (心房钠尿肽)
答案: 【 Histamine (组胺)

‎A 30-year-old male is resting, and his sympathetic output increases to maximal values. Which of the following sets of changes would be expected in response to this increased sympathetic output? ‌‎‌
A: Resistance to venous return↓, Mean systemic filling pressure↓
B: Resistance to venous return↑, Mean systemic filling pressure↓.
C: Resistance to venous return↑, Mean systemic filling pressure↑. 
D: Resistance to venous return↓, Mean systemic filling pressure↑.
答案: 【 Resistance to venous return↑, Mean systemic filling pressure↑. 

‌A healthy 28-year-old woman stands up from a supine position. Moving from a supine to a standing position results in a transient decrease in arterial pressure that is detected by arterial baroreceptors located in the aortic arch and carotid sinuses. Which of the following sets of cardiovascular changes is most likely to occur in response to activation of the baroreceptors?‍‌‍
A: Mean circulatory filling pressure↓, Strength of cardiac contraction↑, Sympathetic nerve activity↑.
B: Mean circulatory filling pressure↓, Strength of cardiac contraction↓, Sympathetic nerve activity↑.
C: Mean circulatory filling pressure↑, Strength of cardiac contraction↑, Sympathetic nerve activity↑.
D: Mean circulatory filling pressure↓, Strength of cardiac contraction↓, Sympathetic nerve activity↓.
答案: 【 Mean circulatory filling pressure↑, Strength of cardiac contraction↑, Sympathetic nerve activity↑.

‍A 22-year-old man enters the hospital emergency room after severing a major artery in a motorcycle accident. It is estimated that he has lost approximately 700 ml of blood. His blood pressure is 90/55 mm Hg. Which of the following sets of changes would be expected in response to hemorrhage in this man?‏‍‏
A: Heart rate↑, Sympathetic nerve activity↑, Total peripheral resistance↓. 
B: Heart rate↓, Sympathetic nerve activity↓, Total peripheral resistance↓.
C: Heart rate↑, Sympathetic nerve activity↑, Total peripheral resistance↑.
D: Heart rate↓, Sympathetic nerve activity↑, Total peripheral resistance↑.
答案: 【 Heart rate↑, Sympathetic nerve activity↑, Total peripheral resistance↑.

​A 70-year-old man enters the hospital emergency department and has been experiencing severe diarrhea(腹泻). He has pallor, tachycardia, and an arterial pressure of 80/50, and has trouble walking. Which of the following therapies would the physician recommend to prevent shock? ‍​‍
A: Blood infusion
B: Administration of an antihistamine(抗组胺药)
C: Infusion of a sympathomimetic drug (拟交感神经药)
D: Infusion of a balanced electrolyte solution
答案: 【 Infusion of a balanced electrolyte solution

‏The increase in heart rate caused by seeing a wild dog run after you is probably the result of the _____.​‏​
A: medullary accelerator center
B: increase in blood pressure
C: sympathetic nerves
D: Hypothalamus
答案: 【 Hypothalamus

‏If a patient undergoing spinal anesthesia experiences a large decrease in arterial pressure and goes into shock, which of the following would be the therapy of choice?‍‏‍
A: Infusion of sympathomimetic drug
B: Plasma infusion 
C: Saline infusion
D: Blood infusion
答案: 【 Infusion of sympathomimetic drug

‌Sympathetic stimulation of the heart normally causes which of the following conditions?‍‌‍
A: Acetylcholine release at the sympathetic endings
B: Decreased heart rate
C: Decreased force of contraction of the atria
D: Increased force of contraction of the ventricles 
答案: 【 Increased force of contraction of the ventricles 

‏Which nerve does not keep tonic discharge during the physiological state?‎‏‎
A: Sympathetic vasoconstrictor fiber
B: Sympathetic vasodilator fiber
C: Noradrenergic(产去甲肾上腺素的) sympathetic cardiac fiber
D: Cholinergic(类胆碱的) vagal cardiac fiber
答案: 【 Sympathetic vasodilator fiber

‎Filariasis(丝虫病) causes edema by‏‎‏
A: blocking the lymphatic drainage
B: decreasing the plasma colloid osmotic pressure
C: increasing the interstitial hydrostatic pressure
D: increasing the capillary pressure
答案: 【 blocking the lymphatic drainage

‍Norepinephrine increases the ventricular contractility by increasing the permeability of‎‍‎
A: Na+ channel
B: K+ channel
C: Ca2+ channel
D: Cl- channel
答案: 【 Ca2+ channel

‍Which factor does NOT influence the venous return?​‍​
A: Cardiac contractility
B: Position of the body
C: Elasticity of the Windkessel vessel
D: Action of “muscular pump” 
答案: 【 Elasticity of the Windkessel vessel

‌The arterial blood pressure:‍‌‍
A: Depends solely on the cardiac output.
B: The mean arterial pressure of a normal young adult averages about 100 mmHg.
C: Is due to the vascular resistance of the capillaries.
D: Is the arithmetic average of the systolic and diastolic pressures. 
答案: 【 The mean arterial pressure of a normal young adult averages about 100 mmHg.

‌The elasticity of the Windkessel vessel mainly influence​
A: pulse pressure
B: Systolic pressure (Ps)
C: Diastole pressure (Pd)
D: peripheral venous pressure
答案: 【 pulse pressure

‎During the cardiac cycle of a normal healthy young adult:‎‎‎
A: During ventricular diastole the pressure in the left ventricle is close to 80 mm Hg (10.6 kPa). 
B: During ventricular systole, all the blood in the ventricles is ejected.
C: At the end of ejection, the blood pressure reached the highest level.
D: During the initial stage of ventricular contraction the volume of the ventricle does not change.
答案: 【 During the initial stage of ventricular contraction the volume of the ventricle does not change.

‌Concerning the nervous regulation of the circulation: ‏‌‏
A: The baroreceptors are mainly responsible for the long-term regulation of systemic blood pressure.
B: If the arterial pressure suddenly falls the baroreceptor reflex increases the heart rate.
C: The baroreceptors are found in the aortic and carotid bodies.
D: The control center of cardiovascular system is the spinal cord.
答案: 【 If the arterial pressure suddenly falls the baroreceptor reflex increases the heart rate.

‏Which of the following organs is able to tolerate the greatest restriction in blood flow?‌‏‌
A: brain
B: heart
C: skin
D: skeletal muscles
答案: 【 skin

‌The sounds of Korotkoff are produced by‏‌‏
A: the turbulent flow of blood through an artery.
B: closing of the semilunar valves
C: closing of the AV valves.
D: elastic recoil of the aorta.
答案: 【 the turbulent flow of blood through an artery.

‍Blood pressure is lowest in‏‍‏
A: veins
B: venules
C: capillaries
D: arterioles
答案: 【 veins

Blood pressure increases and heart rate decreases in response to‍‏‍
A: increase of body temperature
B: intravenously injection of noradrenaline
C: exercise
D: exposure to high altitude
答案: 【 intravenously injection of noradrenaline

If systolic blood pressure is 125mmHg, diastolic pressure is 80mmHg, the mean blood pressure will be​‌​
A: 95mmHg
B: 100.25mmHg
C: 90mmHg
D: 80mmHg
答案: 【 95mmHg

‌An increase in which of the following tends to increase capillary filtration rate?‍‌‍
A: Interstitial hydrostatic pressure
B: Plasma sodium concentration
C: Capillary wall hydraulic conductivity
D: Plasma colloid osmotic pressure
答案: 【 Capillary wall hydraulic conductivity


The figure shown above is the ECG recorded by lead II. The QRS complex (QRS 波群)correlate to which period of the cardiac cycle?

A: ventricular isometric relaxation.
B: ventricular isometric contraction
C: ventricular ejection period.
D: ventricular filling period.
答案: 【 ventricular isometric contraction

We could use ECG to‌‌‌
A: detect the heart murmur (杂音)
B: diagnose the atrioventricular block (房室传导阻滞)
C: measure stroke volume.
D:  mesure cardiac volume.
E: detect atrioventricular stenosis.
答案: 【 diagnose the atrioventricular block (房室传导阻滞)

The First Week Introduction for Physiology and Transmembrane Transportation

The First Week Introduction for Physiology and Transmembrane Transportation

The physiological importance of positive feedback control is‎
A: promote an activity to finish
B: maintenance of the homeostasis of internal environment
C: promote the growth and development of organism
D: independent of the neural and humoral regulation
答案: 【 promote an activity to finish

‎As the arterial pressure vibrates at 80 - 120 mmHg, the renal blood flow does not change. If you want to prove the hypothesis that this property of the renal blood flow is dependent on the autoregulation of the blood vessels, which kind of experimen you should performe?‌
A: acute and in vitro physiological experiment.
B: acute and in vivo physiological experiment.
C: cell culture
D: histological experiment
答案: 【 acute and in vitro physiological experiment.

 The mechanism of the life could be disclosed intensively and clearly through the experiments at the level of‏
A: cell and molecule
B: tissue and organ
C: organ and system
D: whole organism
答案: 【 cell and molecule

The capillary bed open as the metablites accumulate following the enhanced metablitic activity of local tissue. It is controlled by‌
A: local humoral regulaiton
B: neural regulation
C: distal humoral regulation
D: neural-humoral regulation
答案: 【 local humoral regulaiton

Which kind of molecules or ions could be transported across the membrane independent on the integral protein.‎
A: gas molecules such as CO2 and O2
B: glucose
C: Na+
D: protein
答案: 【 gas molecules such as CO2 and O2

‌The correct description about homeostasis include:‍
A: The internal environment of healthy individual is in the state of homeostasis.
B: The loss of homeostasis might induce illness or even death.
C: One of the importance of the clinical treatment is to restore the homeostasis of the patient.
D: Negative feedback system maintains the internal environment at homeostasis.
答案: 【 The internal environment of healthy individual is in the state of homeostasis.;
The loss of homeostasis might induce illness or even death.;
One of the importance of the clinical treatment is to restore the homeostasis of the patient.;
Negative feedback system maintains the internal environment at homeostasis.

The properties of the conditioned reflex include‎
A: the number is infinite
B: dependent on the environment the individual lives in
C: congenital
D: fixed reflex
答案: 【 the number is infinite;
dependent on the environment the individual lives in

Which one below could act as humoral regulating factor in blood.‌
A: glucose
B: CO2
C: O2
D: thyroid hormones
答案: 【 glucose;
thyroid hormones

The properties of the humoral regulation include‌
A: response slowly
B: acts extensively
C: dependent on the neural regulation
D: acts transiently
答案: 【 response slowly



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