Business Etiquette I 职场必备商务礼仪I


How can you sit during a formal meal?‎‌‎
A: Lean down to your plate.
B: Lean on your arm while eating.
C: Sit up straight at the table.
D: Rest your arm on the table. 
答案: 【 Sit up straight at the table.

How can you handle Napkin in a formal dinner?‏‌‏
A: Place the napkin in your lap upon seating.
B: Place the napkin on the table upon seating.
C: Place the napkin on your chest upon seating.
D: Place the napkin under your neck upon seating.
答案: 【 Place the napkin in your lap upon seating.

‎How can you use knife and forks?‍
A: Follow the “outside-out” rule.
B: Follow the “outside-in” rule.
C: Follow the “inside-out” rule.
D: Follow the “inside-in” rule.
答案: 【 Follow the “outside-in” rule.

‎When can you leave the table?‏
A: One should not leave the table before the host or the eldest person finishes his or her food.
B: It is considered impolite to leave the table without asking for permission.
C: Children are often expected to ask permission to leave the table at the end of the meal.
D: All of the three.
答案: 【 All of the three.

​Where was the word “etiquette” originated?‍
A: In Grace.
B: In China.
C: In France.
D: In Italy.
答案: 【 In France.

‍Who has espoused the well-known principle “Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself”?‍‍‍
A: Confucius
B: Louis XIV
C: Aristotle
D: Socrates
答案: 【 Confucius

‎Why is etiquette important in today’s society?‎
A: It protects the feelings of others.
B: It makes communication clearer.
C: It makes good first impressions.
D: All of the three.
答案: 【 All of the three.

‌What is polite in public places?‍
A: Holding the door open for those behind you.
B: Respecting the personal space of others.
C: Saying “please” and “thank you”.
D: All of the three.
答案: 【 All of the three.

‏What is polite while smoking? ‌
A: Check for no smoking signs before you light up.
B: Ask those sitting close to you if they mind before you light up.
C: If you are a non-smoker, don’t react violently to someone who lights up near you.
D: All of the three.
答案: 【 All of the three.

‌What is polite when considering noise?‍‌‍
A: Do not yell or laugh so loud as to disturb or annoy others.
B: Do not talk on your cell phone or play music very loudly.
C: Do not argue in public and say critical things.
D: All of the three.
答案: 【 All of the three.

‌Which one is NOT correct concerning to postures?‎‌‎
A: As a lady, sit with knees close together.
B: Let your arms fall naturally at your sides.
C: When standing, keep your back straight and your stomach out.
D: Walking with good posture is an extension of standing with good posture.
答案: 【 When standing, keep your back straight and your stomach out.

‌Which one is NOT the power of smiling according to the TED talk?‎‌‎
A: Make you look great and competent.
B: Make you earn a lot of money.
C: Reduce your stress or improve your marriage
D: Help you live a longer, healthier, and happier life. 
答案: 【 Make you earn a lot of money.

‎How can you let go of anger?‍‎‍
A: Take deep, steady breaths to release some tension.
B: Work on practicing forgiveness in your daily life.
C: Try to have empathy for the other person.
D: None of the three.
答案: 【 Take deep, steady breaths to release some tension.

‎How can you become a decent person?‏‎‏
A: Be dependable.
B: Avoid judgement.
C: Provide support.
D: All of the three.
答案: 【 All of the three.

‎How can you help people around you as a gentleman?‍
A: Offer to help people get their grocery bags to the car.
B: Wait an extra few seconds to hold the door for the person behind you.
C: Be on the lookout for people who could use some help but who may not want to ask for it.
D: All of the three.
答案: 【 All of the three.

‏How can you wear proper clothes as a gentleman? ‍‏‍
A: Stick to appropriate dress codes.
B: Wear clothes that fit your body well.
C: Wear the right clothes for the occasion.
D: All of the three.
答案: 【 All of the three.

​How can you be courteous to women?‌​‌
A: Treat women with respect.
B: Be respectful to women in your actions.
C: Be respectful to women as you part ways in the evenings.
D: All of the three.
答案: 【 All of the three.

‎How can you be a gentleman to your girlfriend?‏‎‏
A: Give her unexpected gifts.
B: Stand up for your girlfriend.
C: Don’t make her do anything she’s not comfortable with.
D: All of the three.
答案: 【 All of the three.

​What is the added bonus for standing and sitting up straight?‎​‎
A: It is not a good posture.
B: It is not good for your back.
C: It will help you strengthen up your core.
D: It is a sign of a true lady. 
答案: 【 It will help you strengthen up your core.

‌How can you behave like a lady?‏‌‏
A: Educate yourself.
B: Say please and thank you.
C: Be respectful toward others.
D: All of the three.
答案: 【 All of the three.

​How can you dress elegantly as a lady?‌​‌
A: Go bare-legged, and never wear tights or stockings.
B: Wear comfortable sweatpants or tracksuits while working.
C: Dress appropriately for your body type and the occasion.
D: Never wear skirts or dresses to bring out your femininity.
答案: 【 Dress appropriately for your body type and the occasion.

‍How can you be respectful when visiting others’ homes? ‎
A: Allow the host or hostess to tell you where to sit.
B: Allow the host or hostess to tell you where to leave your purse.
C: Allow the host or hostess to tell you whether or not to take off your shoes.
D: All of the three.
答案: 【 All of the three.

‎What does RSVP mean?​‎​
A: Help, if you please.
B: Help, if you are not busy.
C: Reply, if you please.
D: Reply, if you are not busy.
答案: 【 Reply, if you please.

‎How could you introduce yourself?‌‎‌
A: Provide honorific information about yourself.
B: Give your full name when introducing yourself.
C: Never provide some information about yourself besides your name.
D: If someone forgets your name, never volunteer the information yourself.
答案: 【 Give your full name when introducing yourself.

‌How would you make proper eye contact when being introduced?‎‌‎
A: Make soft eye contact.
B: Never make eye contact.
C: Never maintain the eye contact while speaking.
D: Stare at the person with an intense pupil-to-pupil gaze.
答案: 【 Make soft eye contact.

‌Which one is NOT true about the personal space?‌‌‌
A: In Japan people prefer to stand further away.
B: In some European countries people tend to stand further away.
C: In most western countries, an arm’s length is an accepted norm.
D: Moving in too close or standing too far away can create discomfort.
答案: 【 In some European countries people tend to stand further away.

‎If you are a representative of the host, when should you arrive?‍‎‍
A: Just on time.
B: At least 10 minutes early.
C: At least 20 minutes early.
D: At least 30 minutes early.
答案: 【 At least 30 minutes early.

‌If you are the speaker, when do you need to arrive?​‌​‌​
A: Just on time.
B: 10 minutes early.
C: 20 minutes early.
D: 30 minutes early.
答案: 【 30 minutes early.

​Is it polite for you to arrive more than 10 minutes early for a casual dinner invitation as a common sense rule? Why or why not?‍​‍
A: No, it is not. Because your host may not be at home.
B: No, it is not. Because your host may still be preparing for your visit.
C: Yes, it is. Because the host will feel obligated to accommodate you.
D: Yes, it is. Because the host need to find some place for you to sit, offer you coffee, etc.
答案: 【 No, it is not. Because your host may still be preparing for your visit.

‏What should you do when you are delayed?‎‏‎
A: Try to inform the people you cannot arrive on time.
B: Tell the people how long you are going to be delayed.
C: If the people cannot wait, reschedule your appointment.
D: All of the three.
答案: 【 All of the three.

Business Etiquette II 职场必备商务礼仪II


‌Which one is proper when making introductions?‍‌‍
A: For people with equal rank, introduce women to men.
B: In a business setting, gender, not rank, is more important.
C: Introduce the person of lesser importance to the person of higher importance.
D: Introduce the person of higher importance to the person of lesser importance.
答案: 【 Introduce the person of lesser importance to the person of higher importance.

‏What would you do when you are introduced?‍‏‍
A: Stand up, or at least try to rise. 
B: Smile and make eye contact.
C: Extend your hand if you are in the position of authority.
D: All of the three.
答案: 【 All of the three.

​Which one is NOT an appropriate handshaking behavior?‍​‍
A: Keep the handshake firm.
B: Keep the handshake brief.
C: On being introduced, offer your left hand.
D: If you offer a handshake and it is refused, withdraw your hand. 
答案: 【 On being introduced, offer your left hand.

‏Which one is NOT an appropriate introduction order?​‏​
A: Introducing men to women.
B: Introducing a single person to a group.
C: Introducing people to those in authority.
D: Introducing older people to younger people.
答案: 【 Introducing older people to younger people.

‌How to make your business card look professional?​‌​
A: Use a standard sized business card.
B: Bear your name, position and responsibility on the card.
C: Bear the name of the business, address and your contact information.
D: All of the three.
答案: 【 All of the three.

‎Which is a bad behavior when you receive a business card?​‎​
A: Pause to look at it.
B: Write down some notes on someone’s card.
C: Take care when storing it to show that it is valuable to you.
D: All of the three.
答案: 【 Write down some notes on someone’s card.

‌How can you present your business card?‍
A: Use both hands when presenting business cards.
B: Hold each side with your thumbs and index finger.
C: Make it easy for the recipient to read the card.
D: All of the three.
答案: 【 All of the three.

‎Where is it inappropriate to hand out your business card?‎‎‎
A: At a funeral.
B: At a workplace.
C: At a dinner party.
D: None of the three.
答案: 【 At a funeral.

How can people dress appropriately while working?​‏​
A: Men and women should adhere to the dress code.
B: Men should never wear sandals to the office.
C: Women should never dress provocatively in the office.
D: All of the three.
答案: 【 All of the three.

‌How can you make others feel comfortable?‏‌‏
A: Give credits and thanks to those who have helped you.
B: Be a loyal supporter of your boss in the office and in social situations.
C: Owning up to any mistakes you have made and offering to correct them.
D: All of the three.
答案: 【 All of the three.

‌How can you learn the values, policies, and procedures of a workplace?‍‌‍
A: From HR managers.
B: From in-house trainings.
C: From observing others.
D: All of the three.
答案: 【 All of the three.

‎What should you do while participating in a meeting?‍‎‍
A: Silence your cell phone or turn it off.
B: Give the speaker your full attention.
C: Say good-bye and thank speakers at the close of the meeting.
D: All of the three.
答案: 【 All of the three.

‏What is a polite behavior while waiting for an elevator? ‎‏‎
A: Stand away from the doors.
B: Don’t board the elevator until everyone has gotten off.
C: Stand to the right of the door so that the left and middle is open for those getting off the elevator.
D: All of the three.
答案: 【 All of the three.

‎Which statement is NOT true about holding the door?‍‎‍
A: Don’t be the person asking for the elevator to be held.
B: Don’t hold the door if you are in an elevator full of people.
C: Don’t hold the door for a person approaching the elevator if you are alone in it.
D: Don’t hold the door for a friend or colleague who has taken a quick side-trip. 
答案: 【 Don’t hold the door for a person approaching the elevator if you are alone in it.

‏Which one is a polite behavior while taking an elevator?‏‏‏
A: Move to the back.
B: Exit quickly.
C: Face forward.
D: All of the three.
答案: 【 All of the three.

‏Which one is an unnecessary movement that may annoy fellow passengers while taking an elevator?​‏​
A: Jiggling your leg.
B: Pacing in the elevator.
C: Moving your arms.
D: All of the three.
答案: 【 All of the three.

‎Which one is NOT a polite behavior while taking phone calls?‎‎‎
A: Answer the phone with an off-color joke.
B: Simply say “Hello!” and wait for the caller’s reply.
C: Always answer the phone warmly and with enthusiasm.
D: If possible, answer your home phone before the fourth ring. 
答案: 【 Answer the phone with an off-color joke.

‎If the call is not for you, what should you NOT do?‍‎‍
A: Set the phone down while you get the person.
B: Ask the person politely to wait while you get the person asked for.
C: Cover the receiver and shout for the other person at the top of your lungs.
D: None of the three.
答案: 【 Cover the receiver and shout for the other person at the top of your lungs.

​What can be used to tell the caller whether you are focusing on him or not?‍​‍
A: Your responses.
B: How often you respond.
C: The inflection of your voice.
D: All of the three.
答案: 【 All of the three.

​Which one is a polite rule for cell phone use?​​​
A: Talk on your cell phone in a restaurant.
B: Download annoying or overly loud ring tones.
C: Answer cell phone calls when you are with others.
D: Do not wear earpieces when you are not talking on the phone. 
答案: 【 Do not wear earpieces when you are not talking on the phone. 

‌What is the phone etiquette at the office?‏‌‏
A: Be respectful to whoever answers the phone.
B: Before putting someone on hold, make sure this is okay with the caller.
C: Give your name, department, and the company name clearly and slowly.
D: All of the three.
答案: 【 All of the three.

‍When you speak to someone face-to-face, what can be used to give additional meaning to your words?‍‍‍
A: Intonation.
B: Body language.
C: Facial expression.
D: All of the three.
答案: 【



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