第一章:课程导言 (Introduction)

1.6 单元测验 (Unit test)


‏According to Edward T.Hall, the _____depicts a culture with the visible part above water representing the behavior or results of culture.

A: The icebox.
B: The waterfall.
C: The iceberg.
D: The competence model.
答案: 【 The iceberg.


​The United States is located in the _________.

A: Northern Hemisphere 
B: Southern Hemisphere
C: Antarctica
D: The Arctic Ocean
答案: 【 Northern Hemisphere 


‌The United States is bordered on the west by the _______.

A: Canada
B: Atlantic Ocean
C: Mexico
D: Pacific Ocean
答案: 【 Pacific Ocean

‌America is the world's ______-largest country by total area and ______ most populous.​
A: third; fourth
B: fourth; third
C: fourth; fourth
D: third; third
答案: 【 fourth; third

‍Which is the Corn Belt of United States?‏
答案: 【 

‎Which is the largest state of the United States?‍
A: Rhode
B: Maryland
C: Alaska
D: Texas
答案: 【 Alaska

‌America was discovered by ________ in 1492.​
A: Christopher Columbus
B: Magellan
C: Vasco da Gama
D: Bartholmeu Dias
答案: 【 Christopher Columbus

​From the 1600s to the birth of the United States in 1776, the majority of the immigrants were from______.‌
A: Spain
B: England
C: France
D: China 
答案: 【 England

‌The ________concept suggests that the integration of many different cultures like salad ingredients, which do not merge together into a single homogeneous culture.‎
A: melting pot
B: salad bowl
C: hodgepodge
D: quota system 
答案: 【 salad bowl


‍Zangwill first used the term ________ to describe the United States.

A: salad bowl  
B: melting pot 
C: hodgepodge 
D: quota system 
答案: 【 melting pot 

‎What does culture include?​
A: Food and music.
B: Beliefs, values, and thinking pattens.
C: Language and holiday costumes.
D: Attitude and emotions.
答案: 【 Food and music.;
Beliefs, values, and thinking pattens.;
Language and holiday costumes.;
Attitude and emotions.

‏According to Harry Triandis, culture can be divided into...‏
A: Material culture.
B: Spiritual culture. 
C: Objective culture.
D: Subjective culture.
答案: 【 Material culture.;
Subjective culture.

‎In decoding the American culture, we will have to bear two things in mind:‍
A: The culture of gentry.
B: The immense size of the United States and the diverse geographical conditions.
C: The tradition of seeking the value of classic humanities and the culturing value of education.
D: It's great ethnic and racial diversity. 
答案: 【 The immense size of the United States and the diverse geographical conditions.;
It's great ethnic and racial diversity. 

‏We know that “diversity” is a salient feature to describe the American culture.  What do you think  are the manifestations of “diversity”?‏
A: Americans practice different religions. 
B: Important differences exist between geographical regions 
C: The presence of millions of immigrants who came to the United States. 
D: The differences exist between social classes.
答案: 【 Americans practice different religions. ;
Important differences exist between geographical regions ;
The presence of millions of immigrants who came to the United States. ;
The differences exist between social classes.

‎The American culture has successfully absorbed vast diverse cultures from immigrants and  has been stable and harmonious in history.‎
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‌A quota system severely limited  immigrants from all countries, including northern and western Europe.​
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‏There haven't been any Asian immigrants until the 20th century.‏
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‎America is a nation of immigrants, so all Americans came from foreign countries.‌
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‎Culture is a broad term that includes every aspect of human life and interaction.‎
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

‎In “cultural iceberg”, the much larger part under water such as beliefs, values, and thinking patterns are invisible, learned implicitly, and difficult to change.‏
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

第二章:美国的传统价值观 (Traditinal American Values and Beliefs)

2.7 单元测验 (Unit test)

‌Scholars around the world are convinced that more than 20,000 years ago,the first American settlers arrived in the continent from Asia to America, across a narrow land strip where the _________ is today.‍‌‍‌‍
A: Malacca Strait
B: Bering Strait
C: English Channel
D: Mozambique Channel
答案: 【 Bering Strait

‌Christopher Columbus mistakenly thought he had arrived in _________.‍
A: American continent
B: India
C: China
D: Australia
答案: 【 India

‌_______is the first European country that successfully founded the first colony in America.‌
A: France
B: Spain
C: Britain
D: Portugal
答案: 【 Britain

‏About 400 years ago, the Puritans came to America on the Mayflower and brought with them their _________, which has greatly influenced the thoughts of people in America.‌
A: literature and art
B: philosophy and social science
C: advanced technology
D: religions, values and beliefs
答案: 【 religions, values and beliefs

‌In 1763,the Britain imposed new taxes on the colonies in America in part to share the cost of fighting a war against France, the colonists resented the taxes, and their slogen was _________‌
A: "Oppose separation."
B: "Against the colonial."
C: "Fight for freedom."
D: "No taxation without representation.”
答案: 【 "No taxation without representation.”

​The US is a country with great diversity in race, ethnicity, religion and culture. This is one of the facts about America--___________, which also helped their values to come into being.‍
A: individualism
B: cultural pluralism
C: self-reliance
D: equality of opportunity
答案: 【 cultural pluralism

​________ is probably the most basic of all American values.​
A: individualism
B: self-reliance
C: competition
D: hard work
答案: 【 individualism

‎Which of the following statements is true of American people?​
A: Some of them like games, such as Walkman Dance.
B: They like to follow traditions.
C: They adimire someone who is tied to his/her mother's apron strings.
D: They usually strongly feeling part of a group or an organization.
答案: 【 Some of them like games, such as Walkman Dance.

‏What does equality mean in the American context?‎
A: Everyone is safeguarded the same amount of wealth and status.
B: Everyone should have an equal chance to succeed.
C: What people have gained has nothing to do with their efforts.
D: People only enjoy equality within the same religion, ethnicity and family backgroud.
答案: 【 Everyone should have an equal chance to succeed.

‌What is the foundation of the American dream and power that motives the Americans for their economic prosperity today?‍
A: The pursuit of material wealth.
B: Favourable geographical location.
C: Emphasis on science and technology.
D: The abolition of slavery.
答案: 【 The pursuit of material wealth.

‌Early settlers came to the North American continent and established colonies mainly because they wanted to be free from_______‌
A: the power of kings, priests, and noblemen.
B: the influence of their families.
C: the problems of poverty and hunger.
D: the religious persecution.
答案: 【 the power of kings, priests, and noblemen.

‍There are no titles of nobility in the United States today because_______‎
A: no one likes aristocrats.
B: the church does not allow it.
C: they are forbidden by the Constitution.
D: they are forbidden by the king.
答案: 【 they are forbidden by the Constitution.

‍The price that the Americans pay for their individual freedom is ________.​
A: self-reliance
B: competition
C: hard work
D: individualism
答案: 【 self-reliance

‏The American belief in equality of opportunity means that_______‎
A: all Americans are rich.
B: Americans believe that everyone should be equal.
C: everyone should have an equal chance to succeed.
D: Everyone is equal in America.
答案: 【 everyone should have an equal chance to succeed.

‎In the united states, learning to compete successfully is ________.‏
A: part of growing up
B: not seen as healthy by most people
C: not necessary, because Americans believe in equality
D: necessary for everyone in America.
答案: 【 part of growing up

‏Americans see their material possessions as________.‎
A: having nothing to do with social status
B: the natural reward for their hard work
C: showing no evidence of a person’s abilities
D: something dispensable
答案: 【 the natural reward for their hard work

​In reality, such American ideals as equality of opportunity and self-reliance________.‎
A: do not exist because there is no equality in United States
B: are always put into practice in the united states and truly describe American life
C: are only partly carried out in real life, but are still important because people believe in them
D: are only in the ideal life of the American people
答案: 【 are only partly carried out in real life, but are still important because people believe in them

‍Americans believe that _______‍
A: everyone gets a chance to be successful by their own efforts and talents.
B: everyone has the right of all individuals to control their own destiny.
C: everyone is the members of a close-knit, interdependent collectivity.
D: everyone is responsible for their own situations in life.
答案: 【 everyone gets a chance to be successful by their own efforts and talents.;
everyone has the right of all individuals to control their own destiny.;
everyone is responsible for their own situations in life.

‏People from collectivistic cultures may find that_______‌
A: Americans pay relatively little attention to groups.
B: Americans are more involved with people who are more senior.
C: Americans define their status in terms of what they have achieved.
D: Americans are relatively unconcerned about interpersonal relations.
答案: 【 Americans pay relatively little attention to groups.;
Americans define their status in terms of what they have achieved.;
Americans are relatively unconcerned about interpersonal relations.

‍Self-reliance means that________.‌
A: relying on the support of government
B: taking care of themselves and solving their own problems
C: achieving both financial and emotional independence
D: standing on their own two feet
答案: 【 taking care of themselves and solving their own problems;
achieving both financial and emotional independence;
standing on their own two feet

​Which facts reflect the Ameirican value of equality?‌
A: Formal class system is not developed in the United States.
B: Declaration of Independence states that "all men are created equal."
C: Titles of nobility like those in Europe were forbidden in the Constitution.
D: The law states that "separation of powers."
答案: 【 Formal class system is not developed in the United States.;
Declaration of Independence states that "all men are created equal.";
Titles of nobility like those in Europe were forbidden in the Constitution.

‎What efforts have Americans made to safeguard equality in American people's lives?‏
A: Americans usually follow the rule of "one person, one vote".
B: Americans always pay attention to any other person's opinion.
C: Americans make good rules that allow everyone chances to win.
D: Americans are accustomed to bowing to the higher-status person.
答案: 【 Americans usually follow the rule of "one person, one vote".;
Americans always pay attention to any other person's opinion.;
Americans make good rules that allow everyone chances to win.

‍Which facts show the American spirit of competition?‌‍‌
A: People who like to compete are appreciated.
B: There are a lot of expressions of "doing" rather than "being"in their language.
C: Americans believe that "friendship first, compitition second".
D: Americans learn competition skills since young.
答案: 【 People who like to compete are appreciated.;
There are a lot of expressions of "doing" rather than "being"in their language.;
Americans learn competition skills since young.

​Which of the statements are the evidences of American materialism?​
A: They lived a simple life to avoid falling into the trap of consumerism.
B: Americans will buy more new things driven by the pursuit of comfort, cleanliness and novelty.
C: Americans like to keep and use the old stuffs that still work.
D: Americans may use credit card to buy things that they can't afford at present.
答案: 【 Americans will buy more new things driven by the pursuit of comfort, cleanliness and novelty.;
Americans may use credit card to buy things that they can't afford at present.

‍Why has American Dream begun to seem less attainable than before?‌
A: A few people own a great deal of wealth in the US.
B: Education becomes very expensive at the college level, and it plays an important in realizing the American dream,  
C: Ameirica has shifted to a service- or information- based emonomy.
D: In America, people no longer believe in the American dream.
答案: 【 A few people own a great deal of wealth in the US.;
Education becomes very expensive at the college level, and it plays an important in realizing the American dream,  ;
Ameirica has shifted to a service- or information- based emonomy.

‍Christopher Columbus acted on behalf of the Spanish crown to explore the new continent in 1492.‌
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‏The culture of the United States is one of the most individualistic in the world.‍
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

​Traditionally, America was regarded as a “land of opportunity”.‏
A: 正确
B: 错误



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