Test for Chapter Ten

Early research on leadership traits ________.‏‏‏
A: sought to prove that charisma was an essential trait of leadership
B: focused entirely on behavioral traits rather than physical traits of a leader
C: found consistent and unique traits that would apply universally to all effective leaders
D: focused on characteristics that might differentiate leaders from nonleaders
答案: 【 focused on characteristics that might differentiate leaders from nonleaders

‎Max considers himself to be a democratic leader-he involves his subordinates in decision making, delegates authority, and encourages participation. However, his employees do not feel empowered at all. Which of the following, if true, could explain the apparent discrepancy above?‏
A: The subordinates are used to an autocratic leadership.
B: They feel that his decisions are actually premeditated although he parades them as the result of group consensus.
C: His subordinates believe that their job performance and satisfaction depend entirely on factors under their control.
D: The decision making in the organization is highly decentralized.
答案: 【 They feel that his decisions are actually premeditated although he parades them as the result of group consensus.

‏Which of the following describes the leadership style in which the leader generally gives the group complete freedom to make decisions and complete the work in whatever way it sees fit?‍
A: cultural style
B: autocratic style
C: democratic style
D: laissez-faire style
答案: 【 laissez-faire style

​The ________ model proposed that effective group performance depended upon the proper match between the leader's style of interacting with his or her followers and the degree to which the situation allowed the leader to control and influence.‌
A: Fiedler contingency
B: situational leadership
C: leader participation
D: path-goal
答案: 【 Fiedler contingency

‍According to Hersey and Blanchard, a high task-low relationship situation calls for the ________ leadership style.​
A: delegating
B:  telling
C: participating
D: selling
答案: 【  telling

‌Which leadership theory believes that a leader's job is to assist followers in attaining their goals and to ensure that their goals are compatible with the goals of the group or organization?‎
A: Fiedler's Theory
B: Contingency Theory   
C: Leader Participation Model
D: Path Goal Theory
答案: 【 Path Goal Theory

Alex Johnson was classified as an achievement oriented leader by his team. Which of the following would describe Johnson's leadership style best?‍‎‍
A: He lets subordinates know what's expected of them, schedules work to be done, and gives specific guidance on how to accomplish tasks.
B: He shows concern for the needs of his subordinates and is friendly.
C: He sets challenging goals and expects subordinates to perform at their highest level.
D: He consults with subordinates and uses their suggestions before making a decision.
答案: 【 He sets challenging goals and expects subordinates to perform at their highest level.

Rachel Keller's colleagues and subordinates have a very high regard for her. They know that no one can get high-quality work done the way Rachel can. She inspires her team to excel in their work, even exceeding their own expectations. What her subordinates like best about Rachel is that they are free to discuss her decisions with her, even question her once in while if they are not sure about her strategy. Which of the following best describes Rachel's leadership style?​​​
A: transactional
B: charismatic
C: trait
D: transformational
答案: 【 transformational

Evidence indicates that transformational leadership is strongly correlated with ________.‎‌‎
A: lower turnover rates and lower levels of goal attainment and follower well-being
B: lower turnover rates and higher levels of productivity and creativity
C: higher turnover rates and lower levels of productivity and employee satisfaction
D: higher turnover rates and higher levels of employee satisfaction and follower well-being
答案: 【 lower turnover rates and higher levels of productivity and creativity

‏________ leadership is the ability to create and articulate a realistic, credible, and attractive vision of the future for an organization that improves on the present.‎
A: Visionary
B: Charismatic
C: Trait
D: Transactional
答案: 【 Visionary


Test for Eleven

​________ refers to the process of monitoring, comparing, and correcting work ​
A: Controlling
B:  Leading
C: Planning
D: Organizing
答案: 【 Controlling

‏Which of the following corresponds to the controlling step in the management process?‏
A: performance measurements
B: employee motivation
C: strategy formulation
D: organizational structuring
答案: 【 performance measurements

‎The first step in the control process is ________.‏
A: setting the desired standards
B: measuring actual performance
C: comparing performance against expectations
D: enforcing managerial control
答案: 【 measuring actual performance

​The comparing step in the control process determines ________.‌
A: a company's relative position in the industry in terms of the standards used
B: a company's relative position in the industry in terms of performance variances
C: the ideal standard to be used in measuring organizational performance
D: the variation between actual performance and the standard
答案: 【 the variation between actual performance and the standard

If a manager investigates how and why performance has deviated beyond the acceptable range of variation, and then corrects the source of the deviation, she is using ________.‍‎‍
A: bureaucratic control
B: immediate corrective action
C: basic corrective action
D: concurrent control
答案: 【 basic corrective action

‏An organization hires additional personnel as soon as they get a major contract. The organization is using ________ control.‌
A: feedforward control
B: concurrent control
C: feedback control
D: management control
答案: 【 feedforward control

The management control that takes place while a work activity is in progress is known as ________.‎‍‎
A: feedforward control
B: concurrent control
C: feedback control
D: reactive control
答案: 【 concurrent control

‌Which of the following is a performance measurement tool that looks at four areas that contribute to a company's performance?​
A: market value method
B: economic value method
C: balanced scorecard approach
D: information control approach
答案: 【 balanced scorecard approach

‌________ is the search for the best practices among competitors or noncompetitors that lead to their superior performance.​
A: Factor analysis
B: Total quality management
C: Market positioning
D: Benchmarking
答案: 【 Benchmarking

​An organization communicates openly to its employees about violent incidences in the workplace and what's being done to handle them. This is an example of a ________ ‏
A: feedback
B: proactive
C: concurrent
D: feedforward
答案: 【 feedback


Test for Chapter Twelve

Xiao Hong is Project Manager at a large software services company. In a bid to maximize her team's productivity, Xiao Hong decides to follow the goal-setting theory. In line with the principles of the theory, she sets specific, difficult goals for all of her team members and ensures that they understand and accept the new standards. Which of the following facts, if true would support Xiao Hong's strategy?‍​‍
A: Xiao Hong is a Theory X manager who assumes that his team members must be monitored and controlled carefully.
B: Xiao Hong's company operates exclusively in the China and has a policy of hiring from the local communities to ensure sensitivity to customer needs.
C: Xiao Hong personally hand-picked high-achievers from other departments in the organization when forming his team.
D: Xiao Hong's company has a vertical organizational structure and a top-down decision-making approach.
答案: 【 Xiao Hong personally hand-picked high-achievers from other departments in the organization when forming his team.

Jack considers himself to be a democratic leader. He involves his subordinates in decision making, delegates authority, and encourages participation. However, his employees do not feel empowered at all. Which of the following, if true, could explain the apparent discrepancy above?‎‏‎
A: The subordinates are used to an autocratic leadership.
B: His subordinates believe that their job performance and satisfaction depend entirely on factors under their control.
C: They feel that his decisions are actually premeditated although he parades



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