Lesson 12

Reading Comprehension-1

Which of the following is true of the blind man?​‏​
A: He was a new friend of the narrator's wife.
B: He was a relative of the narrator's wife.
C: He was an old friend of the narrator's wife though they had not seen each other for a while.
D: He was an old friend of the narrator's wife and they visited each other from time to time.
答案: 【 He was an old friend of the narrator's wife though they had not seen each other for a while.

 One summer, the narrator’s wife went to Seattle because of one of the following reasons:‌‏‌
A: She had graduated and was looking for job opportunities.
B:  Her high school sweetheart had gone to an officer’s training school there.
C: She saw an advertisement for a good job, advertised by a blind man who owned a successful business there
D:  She had a relative there who had invited her to visit,
答案: 【  Her high school sweetheart had gone to an officer’s training school there.

The wife wrote a poem on how the blind man had touched her face because ‍‏‍
A: the blind man asked her to do so as a memory of their friendship.
B: she fell in love with the blind man.
C: she usually wrote a poem when something important happened in her life.
D: they were good friends and this was her good-bye poem.
答案: 【 she usually wrote a poem when something important happened in her life.

Which of the following is true of the wife's life after that summer?‎‎‎
A: She married her first high school sweet heart.
B: She followed her sweetheart from one military quarter to another.
C: She was still in contact with the blind man.
D: All of the above.
E: A and B only.
答案: 【 All of the above.

She maintained her contact with the blind man in which of the following ways?​​​
A: making phone calls every two months. 
B: sending Emails from time to time.
C: exchanging tapes with each other. 
D: writing letters to each other.
答案: 【 exchanging tapes with each other. 

The wife felt depressed and once tried to commit suicide because ‎​‎
A: she did not love her husband.
B: she was emotionally torn between her husband and the blind man.
C: she was lonely because she was always losing friends by having to move about so much.
D: her husband cheated on her.
答案: 【 she was lonely because she was always losing friends by having to move about so much.

Which of the following is true of the wife's behavior after she was saved from committing suicide?​‎​
A: She moved away from her first husband. 
B: She frequently sent tapes to the blind man.
C: She made new friends, wrote many poems and wanted to date the blind man.
D: She began to isolate herself and refused to contact anyone.
答案: 【 She frequently sent tapes to the blind man.

Which of the following comments/questions from the narrator caused the wife to become upset?‌‎‌
A: The narrator offered to take the blind man bowling.
B: The narrator asked if the blind man's wife was a woman of color. 
C: The narrator asked if the blind man's wife had just passed away. 
D: The narrator asked for more details about the relationship between the wife and the blind man.
答案: 【 The narrator asked if the blind man's wife was a woman of color. 

Which of the following is true of the wedding between the blind man and Beulah?​‍​
A: They had a lonely wedding.
B: They had many friends attending the wedding.
C: They loved and cared for each other.
D: Beulah died of cancer 8 years later.
E: A, C and D.
F: A and D only. 
答案: 【 A and D only. 

Which of the following best describes the married life between the blind man and Beulah?‍‌‍
A: The marriage was not approved by Beulah's family.
B: She left some Mexican money to the blind man.
C: They didn't have a sex life.
D: All of the above.
E: A and B only.
答案: 【 A and B only.

The narrator felt pity for Beulah due to the fact that ‎​‎‎
A: the blind man was poor.
B: the blind man did not have friends.
C: the blind man was a man of color.
D: the blind man could not see the expressions on her face.
答案: 【 the blind man could not see the expressions on her face.

Which of the following indicates that the narrator was not sensitive when talking to disabled people? ‌‏‌
A: He offered to take the blind man bowling.
B:  He asked on which side of the seat the blind man would like to sit.
C:  He observed that the blind man had a beard.
D: All of the above.
E: A and B only,
答案: 【 All of the above.

Which of the following indicates that the blind man wanted to live a normal life like anyone else?‌‏‌
A: He knew how to get out of the car by himself.
B: He knew how to use a knife and fork when eating meat.
C: He kept two TV sets and turned them on when he was at home.
D: He wore a pair of dark glasses.
E: A, B, and C.
F: All of the above.
答案: 【 A, B, and C.

Which of the following is true when the narrator watched the TV program about the cathedral?​‌​
A: The blind man was falling asleep.
B: The blind man was listening to the program.
C: The blind man asked the narrator to tell him what was on TV.
D: The blind man was talking to the narrator's wife.
答案: 【 The blind man was listening to the program.

Which of the following is true when the blind man asked the author about the caheral?‌‌‌
A: The narrator described it without difficulty.
B: The narrator translated the TV news to the blind man,
C: The narrator has a hard time describing a cathedral.
D: The narrator turns the TV off.
答案: 【 The narrator has a hard time describing a cathedral.

Which of the following is true when the narrator allowed his wife's robe to slip open?‌‍‌
A: He wanted to test if the blind man could see a bit or not.
B: He took too much dope and didn't care.
C: He enjoyed seeing her bare legs.
D: He realized his guest was a blind man.
答案: 【 He realized his guest was a blind man.

When the blind man ate as much as the narrator and his wife did, the narrator thought ​‏​
A: The blind man was a big eater.
B: The wife cooked a special dinner for the blind man.
C: The blind man was as normal as him.
D: The blind man was hungry after a long trip.
答案: 【 The blind man was as normal as him.

Which of the following is true when the narrator described what a cathedral looked like?‏​‏
A: The blind man was impatient and didn't show it
B: The blind man didn't listen and imagined what it looked like.
C: The blind man was trying hard to understand his explanation.
D: The blind man was familiar with the cathedral's architecture.
答案: 【 The blind man was trying hard to understand his explanation.

Which of the following is true when the blind man asked the author to draw a cathedral?‎‏‎
A: The blind man's hand was following the narrator’s hand in drawing.
B: The blind man asked the narrator to hold his hand to draw.
C: The blind man asked the narrator to close his eyes while drawing.
D: The blind man asked the wife to join him in drawing.
E: A and C.
答案: 【 A and C.

The narrator didn't want to open his eyes after he finished drawing because ‍‍‍
A: he understood the blind man's perspective that way.
B: the blind man did not let him open his eyes.
C:  the author wanted to try if he could draw with eyes closed.
D:  his wife asked him to close his eyes.
答案: 【 he understood the blind man's perspective that way.

Reading Comprehension-1(修订版)

‍Which of the following is true of the blind man?‌
A: He was a new friend of the narrator's wife.
B: He was a relative of the narrator's wife.
C: He was an old friend of the narrator's wife though they had not seen each other for a while.
D: He was an old friend of the narrator's wife and they visited each other from time to time.
答案: 【 He was an old friend of the narrator's wife though they had not seen each other for a while.

 One summer, the narrator’s wife went to Seattle because of one of the following reasons:‍
A: She had graduated and was looking for job opportunities.
B:  Her high school sweetheart had gone to an officer’s training school there.
C: She saw an advertisement for a good job, advertised by a blind man who owned a successful business there
D:  She had a relative there who had invited her to visit.
答案: 【  Her high school sweetheart had gone to an officer’s training school there.

The wife wrote a poem on how the blind man had touched her face because ​
A: the blind man asked her to do so as a memory of their friendship.
B: she fell in love with the blind man.
C: she usually wrote a poem when something important happened in her life.
D: they were good friends and this was her good-bye poem.
答案: 【 she usually wrote a poem when something important happened in her life.

Which of the following is true of the wife's life after that summer?‎
A: She married her first high school sweet heart.
B: She followed her sweetheart from one military quarter to another.
C: She was still in contact with the blind man.
D: All of the above.
答案: 【 All of the above.

She maintained her contact with the blind man in which of the following ways?‌
A: making phone calls every two months. 
B: sending Emails from time to time.
C: exchanging tapes with each other. 
D: writing letters to each other.
答案: 【 exchanging tapes with each other. 

The wife felt depressed and once tried to commit suicide because ‏
A: she did not love her husband.
B: she was emotionally torn between her husband and the blind man.
C: she was lonely because she was always losing friends by having to move about so much.
D: her husband cheated on her.
答案: 【 she was lonely because she was always losing friends by having to move about so much.

Which of the following is true of the wife's behavior after she was saved from committing suicide?‏
A: She moved away from her first husband. 
B: She frequently sent tapes to the blind man.
C: She made new friends, wrote many poems and wanted to date the blind man.
D: She began to isolate herself and refused to contact anyone.
答案: 【 She frequently sent tapes to the blind man.

Which of the following comments/questions from the narrator caused the wife to become upset?‏
A: The narrator offered to take the blind man bowling.
B: The narrator asked if the blind man's wife was a woman of color. 
C: The narrator asked if the blind man's wife had just passed away. 
D: The narrator asked for more details about the relationship between the wife and the blind man.
答案: 【 The narrator asked if the blind man's wife was a woman of color. 

Which of the following is true of the wedding between the blind man and Beulah?‌
A: They had a lonely wedding.
B: They loved and cared for each other.
C: Beulah died of cancer 8 years later.
D: All of the above.
答案: 【 All of the above.

Which of the following best describes the married life between the blind man and Beulah?‎
A: The marriage was not approved by Beulah's family.
B: She left some Mexican money to the blind man.
C: They didn't have a sex life.
D: A and B.
答案: 【 A and B.

The narrator felt pity for Beulah due to the fact that ‍
A: the blind man was poor.
B: the blind man did not have friends.
C: the blind man was a man of color.
D: the blind man could not see the expressions on her face.
答案: 【 the blind man could not see the expressions on her face.

Which of the following indicates that the narrator was not sensitive when talking to disabled people?‌
A: He offered to take the blind man bowling.
B:  He asked on which side of the seat the blind man would like to sit.
C:  He observed that the blind man had a beard.
D: All of the above.
答案: 【 All of the above.

Which of the following indicates that the blind man wanted to live a normal life like anyone else?​
A: He knew how to get out of the car by himself.
B: He knew how to use a knife and fork when eating meat.
C: He kept two TV sets and turned them on when he was at home.
D: All of the above.
答案: 【 All of the above.

Which of the following is true when the narrator watched the TV program about the cathedral?‎
A: The blind man was falling asleep.
B: The blind man was listening to the program.
C: The blind man asked the narrator to tell him what was on TV.
D: The blind man was talking to the narrator's wife.
答案: 【 The blind man was listening to the program.

Which of the following is true when the blind man asked the author about the caheral?‌
A: The narrator described it without difficulty.
B: The narrator translated the TV news to the blind man,
C: The narrator has a hard time describing a cathedral.
D: The narrator turns the TV off.
答案: 【 The narrator has a hard time describing a cathedral.

Which of the following is true when the narrator allowed his wife's robe to slip open?​
A: He wanted to test if the blind man could see a bit or not.
B: He took too much dope and didn't care.
C: He enjoyed seeing her bare legs.
D: He realized his guest was a blind man.
答案: 【 He realized his guest was a blind man.

When the blind man ate as much as the narrator and his wife did, the narrator thought ‎
A: The blind man was a big eater.
B: The wife cooked a special dinner for the blind man.
C: The blind man was as normal as him.
D: The blind man was hungry after a long trip.
答案: 【 The blind man was as normal as him.

Which of the following is true when the narrator described what a cathedral looked like?​
A: The blind man was impatient and didn't show it.
B: The blind man didn't listen and imagined what it looked like.
C: The blind man was trying hard to understand his explanation.
D: The blind man was familiar with the cathedral's architecture.
答案: 【 The blind man was trying hard to understand his explanation.

Which of the following is true when the blind man asked the author to draw a cathedral?‍
A: The blind man's hand was following the narrator’s hand in drawing.
B: The blind man asked the narrator to hold his hand to draw.
C: The blind man asked the narrator to close his eyes while drawing.
D: A and C.
答案: 【 A and C.

The narrator didn't want to open his eyes after he finished drawing because ‏
A: he understood the blind man's perspective that way.
B: the blind man did not let him open his eyes.
C:  the author wanted to try if he could draw with eyes closed.
D:  his wife asked him to close his eyes.
答案: 【 he understood the blind man's perspective that way.

Lesson 13

Reading Comprehension-2

Which of the following is not a reason why Father respected Mr. Dooley sincerely?‎
A: Dooley was an intelligent and well informed man.
B: He was a tourist guide and owned a travel agency.
C: He was a much wealthier person than Father.
D: He had a lot of connections with local government and big companies.
答案: 【 He had a lot of connections with local government and big companies.

Why did the death of Mr. Dooley become a piece of sad news to Father?​
A: Mr. Dooley was a wealthy and respectful neighbor.
B: Mr. Dooley often came to visit and had informed conversation with Father.
C: Mr. Dooley was a friend of Father ever since childhood.
D: Mr. Dooley was a respected community leader.
答案: 【 Mr. Dooley often came to visit and had informed conversation with Father.

Father was sad about Mr. Dooley's death and planned to go to the funeral most likely due to the fact that‎‍‎
A: they were almost the same age and he felt compelled to go.
B: Dooley often told him about dirty business in politics.
C: Dooley respected Father and treated him as an equal.
D: father felt that his friendship with Mr. Dooley earned him respect in the neighborhood.
答案: 【 father felt that his friendship with Mr. Dooley earned him respect in the neighborhood.

Why did Mother oppose Father's plan to go to the funeral?‌
A: She felt the family was not socially compatible with other people at the funeral.
B: She did not know Mr. Dooley herself.
C: Father would drink at the occasion and make everyone look down upon him there.
D: Attending the funeral would make Father very sad about Mr. Dooley's death.
答案: 【 She felt the family was not socially compatible with other people at the funeral.

Which of the following is true of Father when he did not get drunk?‏
A: He would bring some tea to mother in the morning.
B: He would cook dinner on Sunday evenings.
C: He would tell jokes to kids and become a very kind father.
D: He would calculate family budget with paper and pencil.
答案: 【 He would bring some tea to mother in the morning.

Which of the following is true when Father got drunk?​
A: He would beat his wife and children. 
B: He would fight his boss at work.
C: He would spend all his money to buy beer.
D: He would borrow money to buy.
答案: 【 He would spend all his money to buy beer.

Which of the following best describes Father's craving for beer after the funeral?‏
A: He swallowed half a glass immediately and wanted more.
B: He sipped bit by bit in order to make the pleasure last.
C: He smoked first and turned his back on the glass for a while before he drank it.
D: He ordered two glasses at once and knew that was still not enough.
答案: 【 He smoked first and turned his back on the glass for a while before he drank it.

Father brought the son a glass of lemonade because​
A: the son reminded him that it was time to go home.
B: the son told him that he was thirsty and wanted some water
C: the son wanted to share the beer if he didn't buy him lemonade.
D: the son was afraid of being abused by his drunken father.
答案: 【 the son reminded him that it was time to go home.

Which of the following best describes the influence of beer on the son?​
A: He felt thirsty and wanted to sip more.
B: He wanted to sing and began to hum.
C: He was very disappointed in the taste of the beer.
D: He felt excited and happy without any reason.
答案: 【 He felt excited and happy without any reason.

The son expected Father to get drunk and knew that he would at do which of the following?‍
A: Father could linger in the pub until nightfall.
B: Father would drive Mother crazy again when he got drunk.
C: Father would not go to work next day and the family would miss one day's income.
D: Father would fight with the old women neighbors.
答案: 【 Father would fight with the old women neighbors.

Which of the following reflects the most serious stage of the son's drunkenness?‎
A: He felt he was rolling on a cloud.
B: He wanted to giggle.
C: He leaned against the bar watching himself with legs crossed.
D: He began to think deep and serious thoughts.
答案: 【 He wanted to giggle.

How did the son get his face cut?​
A: He ran into the wall as Father ordered him to run.
B: Father shouted at him, slapped him and scared him into running.
C: The beer glass cut him.
D: He was about to fight those who laughed at him.
答案: 【 He ran into the wall as Father ordered him to run.

What did other mourners in the pub think of the drunkenness of the son?‌
A: They thought it was the influence of the father.
B: They thought the son was stupid and dumb.
C: They didn't care if the boy was drunk or not as



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