Unit 1

Ex_Activity 3_passage1

‏capacity  n.  (Para. 2) ‏
A: the ability to learn or retain knowledge
B: the maximum amount that can be contained
C: the position in which one functions
D: null
答案: 【 the ability to learn or retain knowledge

‌channel  v.  (Para. 3)‌
A: to make or cut channels in (something) 
B: to cut a deep line on the surface of something
C: to direct something through a course
D: null
答案: 【 to direct something through a course

‍prompt  v.  (Para. 4)‌
A: to cause somebody to do something
B: to refresh the memory of somebody
C: to remind somebody of the words that he is to say
D: null
答案: 【 to cause somebody to do something

‍literal  adj. (Para. 11)‌
A: relating to literature
B: actual, true
C: avoiding exaggeration
D: null
答案: 【 actual, true

Ex_Activity 4_passage1

​Adults visualize worst-case scenarios all day long.‎
A: actions for a part of a play or film
B: natural features of an area
C: written pieces to outline stories
D: events that are likely to occur
答案: 【 events that are likely to occur

‍People who habitually access their imagination are often hailed by their colleagues as “geniuses”.‏
A: acknowledged
B: signaled
C: greeted
D: compared
答案: 【 acknowledged

‍As a child, you instinctively used your imagination as it was intended.‍
A: clumsily
B: naturally
C: meaningfully
D: frequently
答案: 【 naturally

‎To make ourselves come true we need to develop the strength to dream.‏
A: attain what we desire
B: understand ourselves
C: be honest with ourselves
D: know our real values
答案: 【 attain what we desire

‏Dreaming, in its proactive sense, is strong work.‍
A: effective
B: productive
C: initiative
D: positive
答案: 【 initiative

Ex_Activity 5_passage2

‌In describing the 25-year-old kid, the author intends to tell readers ________.‌
A: what factors are necessary for one’s success
B: how a person can make a change about his life
C: what one has to experience in order to succeed
D: how a person is respected for his achievements
答案: 【 how a person can make a change about his life

‎By saying “The road to success is always under construction” (Line 4, Para. 4), the author implies that ________.‍
A: there is no end for success
B: success must be proved by results
C: only effort can lead to success
D: it is a long way to achieve success
答案: 【 there is no end for success

‍Which of the following is closest to the definition of power given by the author in paragraph 6?‏
A: The ability to impose your perceptions on other people.
B: The ability to share your emotions with other people.
C: The ability to define your needs and the needs of others.
D: The ability to make what you desire happen as you wish.
答案: 【 The ability to make what you desire happen as you wish.

​According to the author, power at the present time is mainly derived from ________.‏
A: capital
B: heritage
C: knowledge
D: physiology
答案: 【 knowledge

‌What is the major reason to prevent some people from being successful?‏
A: They do not have the ability to put their ideas into action.
B: They do not have the special gifts of successful people.
C: They do not have knowledge to develop their ability.
D: They do not have the positive thinking for actions.
答案: 【 They do not have the ability to put their ideas into action.

‌Which of the following can be regarded as internal communication?​
A: Talking on the phone.
B: Thinking what to do.
C: Staring at a puzzle.
D: Looking at a picture.
答案: 【 Thinking what to do.

‎At the end of paragraph 13, the author mentions several people to imply they are all ________.‌
A: influential in the process of changing the world
B: successful people with extraordinary experience
C: excellent at communication
D: well-known leaders in history
答案: 【 excellent at communication

‏According to the author, the level of our success depends on our ability to __________________________.‎
答案: 【 communicate

‍What happens in our life does not affect how we feel, but it is our ____________________ of what happens that does.‍
答案: 【 interpretation

​Once you have taken actions toward your goal, the next step is to be keen to notice the ____________________ and results of your actions.‎
答案: 【 responses to

Ex_Activity 8_passage2

‍internal  adj.‌‍【1】happening within a country or an organization‌‍【2】inside one’s body‌‍【3】existing in one’s mind‌‍‌‍Through the efforts of the doctors, his internal bleeding was finally stopped.‌
A: happening within a country or an organization
B: inside one’s body
C: existing in one’s mind
D: null
答案: 【 inside one’s body

‍The Minister of Foreign Affairs declared that everything concerning Taiwan is an internal matter of China.‎
A: happening within a country or an organization
B: inside one’s body
C: existing in one’s mind
D: null
答案: 【 happening within a country or an organization

‌If your internal image of yourself is negative, it’s most likely that you will stay away from success.‍
A: happening within a country or an organization
B: inside one’s body
C: existing in one’s mind
D: null
答案: 【 existing in one’s mind

‌interpret  v.‌‌【1】to translate orally from one language to another‌‌【2】to explain what is not easy to understand‌‌【3】to understand the intended meaning of‌‌‌‌In his book A Brief History of Time, Stephen Hawking tries to interpret the complex theory about the universe in simple ideas.‌
A: to translate orally from one language to another
B: to explain what is not easy to understand
C: to understand the intended meaning of
D: null
答案: 【 to explain what is not easy to understand

‌Because of cultural difference, foreigners found it hard to interpret the facial expressions of local people. ‍
A: to translate orally from one language to another
B: to explain what is not easy to understand
C: to understand the intended meaning of
D: null
答案: 【 to understand the intended meaning of

‏The press conference lasted more than two hours because all the questions and answers had to be interpreted.‎
A: to translate orally from one language to another
B: to explain what is not easy to understand
C: to understand the intended meaning of
D: null
答案: 【 to translate orally from one language to another

‍formula  n.‏‍【1】a fixed arrangement of words, esp. as used on social, legal or ceremonial occasions‏‍【2】a group of letters, numbers, or other symbols which represents a scientific or mathematical rule‏‍【3】a method, plan, or a set of principles worked out to achieve a desired result‏‍‏‍According to Einstein’s formula E=mc2, any given amount of mass is equivalent to a certain amount of energy, and vice versa. ‏
A: a fixed arrangement of words, esp. as used on social, legal or ceremonial occasions
B: a group of letters, numbers, or other symbols which represents a scientific or mathematical rule
C: a method, plan, or a set of principles worked out to achieve a desired result
D: null
答案: 【 a group of letters, numbers, or other symbols which represents a scientific or mathematical rule

‏Most people agree on the need to reform the college entrance examination, but there is not yet a generally accepted formula. ‌
A: a fixed arrangement of words, esp. as used on social, legal or ceremonial occasions
B:  a group of letters, numbers, or other symbols which represents a scientific or mathematical rule
C: a method, plan, or a set of principles worked out to achieve a desired result
D: null
答案: 【 a method, plan, or a set of principles worked out to achieve a desired result

‍“Ladies and gentlemen” is a social formula often used at the start of a speech. ‏
A: a fixed arrangement of words, esp. as used on social, legal or ceremonial occasions
B: a group of letters, numbers, or other symbols which represents a scientific or mathematical rule
C: a method, plan, or a set of principles worked out to achieve a desired result
D: null
答案: 【 a fixed arrangement of words, esp. as used on social, legal or ceremonial occasions

Quiz 1-A 阅读理解题

‍What adults don’t comprehend is that worry is ______.‍
A: a habitual use of imagination
B: a dream of what they dread
C: a misuse of imagination
D: a worst-case scenario
答案: 【 a misuse of imagination

‌Those who are often hailed by their colleagues as “geniuses” are usually ______.‌
A: good at accessing their imaginations
B: good with mathematics and physics
C: found to have a genetic characteristic
D: found to be capable of visualizing
答案: 【 good at accessing their imaginations

‍What is the major reason to prevent some people from being successful?‏
A: They do not have the special gifts of successful people.
B: They do not have the positive thinking for successes.
C: They do not have the ability to put their ideas into action.
D: They do not have knowledge to develop their ability.
答案: 【 They do not have the ability to put their ideas into action.

‏By saying “The road to success is always under construction”, the author implies that ______.‏
A: only effort can lead to success
B: there is no end for success
C: success must be proved by results
D: it is a long way to achieve success
答案: 【 there is no end for success

Quiz 1-B 词汇填空题

‏Scientists in different countries, working independently of each other, have ______ very similar results.‌
A: come up with
B: put up with
C: kept up with
D: ended up with
答案: 【 come up with

‏I strongly feel that he’s the ______ man to lead us to a better future.​
A: just
B: special
C: very
D: particular
答案: 【 very

‌In many cases, the people there are fighting, in a ______ sense, for their homes.​
A: literate
B: literal
C: literary
D: liberate
答案: 【 literal

‎The French Revolution (1789–1799) had ______ influence upon Europe’s politics, economy and culture.​
A: profitable
B: professional
C: profound
D: proficient
答案: 【 profound

‎Unfortunately, there is



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