PartⅠ Unit 1 Campus Life

Unit 1 Campus Life 单元测验

‌Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.‏‌We should brush our teeth       twice a day.‏
A: at most
B: at least 
C: at best
D: at last
答案: 【 at least 

​         complaining about the environment we are living in, we ought to try our best to change it.​
A: Except for
B: Instead of
C: In addition to
D: According to
答案: 【 Instead of

‌I want a new doll, but I have not saved enough money yet​
A: simple sentence
B: compound sentence
C: complex sentence
D: compound-complex sentence
答案: 【 compound sentence

​I want to do well in school because I want to go to college, but I have a lot of trouble with math. ‍
A: simple sentence
B: compound sentence
C: complex sentence
D: compound-complex sentence
答案: 【 compound-complex sentence

Reading Comprehension‌Why I Came to College?‌‌‌ ‌‌‎       Why did I choose to attend college? I have asked myself many times during the past three and a half months. Did I come because of because of my parents’ influence or because of the goal of my own? After thinking about these questions many times, I have reached the conclusion that it is something that I truly want to do. ‌‎       Originally, my parents did influence my opinions about education in general. From the beginning of my schooling, my parents seemed to assume that I would attend college, and by the time I reached senior high school, I had become used to that idea as well. ‌‎       When I entered senior high school, I attended the college preparatory program there, looking ahead four year to college. Then gradually I became truly interested in many of the subjects. In addition, I felt that I wanted to continue to study those areas .As my senior high school ended, I began to realize why I had this hope. ‌‎      Finally, I began to recognize in my life a strong desire to obtain knowledge. I knew that I would not be to simply end my educational career with senior high school and enter the working world. I truly felt a need to continue learning in order to get a better understanding of the word around me. My final decision to attend college seemed a natural one, and my choice of engineering as a field of study came easily as well.‌‌‎Why does the writer come to college? It is         .‌‌
A: because of his parents
B: because of his teacher
C: because he wants to find a good job later
D: because he wants to continue to study what he is interested in
答案: 【 because he wants to continue to study what he is interested in

What is the function of “did” in Paragraph 2?           ‌‌
A: To indicate the past time.  
B: To emphasize the word “influence”.
C: To act as a verb.  
D: No special function.
答案: 【 To emphasize the word “influence”.

What does “hope “mean in Paragraph 3?            ‏
A: To go to college. 
B: To study what I like.
C: To drop school. 
D: To end senior high school as quicily as possible.
答案: 【 To study what I like.

What does “enter the working world,” mean?          ‏
A: To make friends with the workers.
B: To find a job.
C: To go to the factory.  
D: To find a part-time job.
答案: 【 To find a job.

‌Why does the writer say “my final decision to attend college seemed a natural one”?           ‎
A: Because it was decided by the writer’s parents.
B: Because the writer studied very well.
C: Because the writer liked nature.
D: Because the writer had a clear idea about why he came to college.
答案: 【 Because the writer had a clear idea about why he came to college.

My College Life‍ ‍‍‎       When my college life begins, I feel it is quite different from senior high school life.‍‎Above all, there are various activities on the campus. They arouse our enthusiasm and we all like to take part in them, from which we benefit much.‍‎      Besides, we have to learn how to look after ourselves. When I was in senior high school, I   lived with my parents and they took perfect care of me. But now, I’m in a new place. If I still depend on others, I would never adapt myself to the new surroundings. So college life makes me mature.‍‎      In senior high school, teachers would drive me to study if I did not work hard. But now it seems to be another story—study becomes my own business (actually it should always be).More often than not, I am in the classroom studying on my own. Therefore, I can say it is the college life that lets me know how to study.‍‎      Our school library is a good place for students to study in the reading room quiet and comfortable. The books there really help me a lot. Not only does reading widen my knowledge, but it also enriches my life.‍‎      In addition, I can apply for a part—time job if I am not busy. It helps me accumulate the practical experience, which is important to a college student.‍‎      Once I was asked to describe my college life with some simple words, I thought it over and said, “colorful, wonderful rewarding …”‍‎‍‎Tell whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the text.‍‎‍             In order to adapt to the new environment, a college student must depend on himself.‍
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

‎         In college, teachers usually make students learn by themselves instead of giving them lectures.​
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‍          The reason why the writer likes studying in the library is that the environment there is comfortable.‍
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‎             A college student must get some practical experience through a part-time job.‌
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‎            The writer enjoys his college life very much.‏
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

‌他的工作是洗桌子漆桌子。‌‌His job is to wash tables and paint tables.‌
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‎他在客厅看电视。​‎He is in the living room watching TV.​
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

他是个很难对付的人。‌He is a hard to deal with man.‌
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‏Write out the English words in the text according to their interpretations.‍‏           : a man who has never been married.‍
答案: 【 single##%_YZPRLFH_%##bachelor

‎              : of or relating to an economy‎
答案: 【 economic

‍                 : a person who performs voluntary work‎
答案: 【 volunteer

‏                   : the quality of doing what is right and avoiding what is wrong.‏
答案: 【 comprehension

‌                : make an investment​
答案: 【 invest

‏               : a document issued by a country to a citizen allowing that person to travel abroad and re-enter the home country.‎
答案: 【 passport

​            : a field on which the buildings of a university are situated‏
答案: 【 campus

‏           : a college or university building containing living quarters for students‌
答案: 【 dormitory


A: Hello, are you Prof. Smith from the United States?  ‍B: Yes, Robert Smith. Please call me              .‍
答案: 【 Robert; Thank you

​Welcome to China. My name is ZhangLin. You can call me Zhang.         my card.​
答案: 【 This is

A:              Mrs. Smith?  ​‏       B: How do you do? It’s nice to meet you.​‏​
答案: 【 How do you do

‍     A: Then let’s get your luggage and go to the hotel now.  ‎‍     B: Oh, thank you. It’s          of you.‎‍‎
答案: 【 nice##%_YZPRLFH_%##kind


How we should do it was discussed last night.‏__________ was discussed last night.‏‌‏
答案: 【 How to do it

I didn’t know where I should go.​I didn’t know ____________.​
答案: 【 where to go

The difficulty was how we should cross the river.‏The difficulty was ____________‏‌‏
答案: 【 how to cross the river


‎                       (读那本书) was a waste of time.‍
答案: 【 Reading the book

​                         (站在道路中间) is dangerous.​
答案: 【 Standing in the middle of a road

​In my opinion,                             (进入那所著名的大学学习)will be the only way to become a world-class writer.‏
答案: 【 Entering the famous university to study

‍              (集邮)is his hobby.‍
答案: 【 Collecting stamps##%_YZPRLFH_%##Stamp collection

​                      (坐车去上学) takes me 20 minutes.​
答案: 【 Taking a bus to school

PartⅠUnit 2 Language Learning

Unit 2 Language Learning 单元测验

‎It is universally acknowledged that the Nile is the_____river in the world.‏‎‏
A: longer
B: the longer
C: longest
D: most long
答案: 【 longest

When we speak to people, we
should be _____.‍
A: as polite as possible
B: as politely as possible
C: as polite as possibly
D: as politely as possibly
答案: 【 as polite as possible

I think iPhone 11 is not so
______ as Hawei Mate30 Pro.‏
A: good
B: well
C: be



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