

‍The body of an essay is the most informative and integral part of a composition. Please select from the following statements on the body of an essay the wrong one.‌
A: There are three fundamental elements of a body paragraph: a topic sentence, supporting sentences and a concluding sentence.
B:  The body part should be one-paragraph long as the introduction and conclusion part.
C: After having chosen/analyzed a topic and written the thesis statement, it is best to begin writing the body because the introduction needs to reflect the body.
D: ---
答案: 【  The body part should be one-paragraph long as the introduction and conclusion part.

​The argument (thesis) of an argumentative essay neither needs nor should be repeated in the body of the essay. Thus, it is only ever necessary to write claims, rather than arguments, in the body of the essay. Please select from the following statements the incorrect claims for in an essay where the thesis is Every residential neighborhood should have a park.‎
A: We should have more parts because it affords many benefits.
B: Parks help to create a more harmonious community.
C: Children who have access to a park tend to be healthier.
D: ---
答案: 【 We should have more parts because it affords many benefits.

‎Since the primary purpose of a topic sentence is to communicate the claim of the paragraph, it should be as concise as possible. Please select from the following topic sentence exemplars the one that is in line with this principle.‌
A: Poor diet and insufficient exercise results in this problem.
B: While sleep deprivation among high school students can be partially attributed to high levels of stress, which are particularly common in their final year of study, this issue is primarily rooted in poor diet and insufficient exercise.
C: While this may be one cause of the problem, it is primarily due to poor diet and insufficient exercise.
D: ---
答案: 【 While this may be one cause of the problem, it is primarily due to poor diet and insufficient exercise.

‏Common transitions in topic sentences also play crucial role in communicating the argument without losing fluidity of ideas. Please select from the following transitions the group that achieves the goal of “Add, reinforce, express agreement, show similarity”.‌
A: In contrast, However, Although, Whereas, Despite, In spite of, Nevertheles.
B: First/Second/, etc., In addition, Furthermore, Moreover, Similarly, In comparison, What is more, Not only…but also, Likewise, also, and.
C: Due to/Because of, With this in mind, In view of, Given, On (the) condition (that), Provided that.
D: ---
答案: 【 First/Second/, etc., In addition, Furthermore, Moreover, Similarly, In comparison, What is more, Not only…but also, Likewise, also, and.

‌Please select from the following pairs the wrong match for a body part which contains thesis, claim and evidence.‏
A: Thesis:  Parents should encourage their children to read more fiction novels.
B: Claim: IQ is the most common measure of intelligence.
C: Evidence: Research has shown that children who read at least one fiction novel per        month performed better on IQ tests than those who do not.
D: ---
答案: 【 Claim: IQ is the most common measure of intelligence.

‌Any essay includes three basic components: an introduction, a body and a conclusion.‍
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

​The procedure of writing a body paragraph should go like this: (1) Decide what the claim is that will be developed in the paragraph. (2) Write the topic sentence containing the claim. (3) Collect the evidence to be used to support the claim. (4) Organize the evidence logically. (5) Develop the claim using the evidence. (6) Write a concluding sentence.‍
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‍In an argumentative essay, the argument is equivalent to the thesis, which is divided into several sub-arguments or claims.‍
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

‍The transitions “In view of, Given, On (the) condition (that), Provided that, Owing to, Unless” serve the functions of giving alternatives, showing contrast, expressing opposition.‍
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‏The supporting sentences contain the evidence that supports and develops the claim.‏
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确



‎A counterclaim (also referred to as “counterargument”) is a statement that has been or might be made by someone who disagrees with your claim.‌
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

‌To refer to someone unspecific with a different viewpoint, the following phrases can be used: critics, detractors, challengers, competitors, enemies and rivals.‎
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

​Different language and grammar needs to be used to signal whether a counterclaim has actually been made or might only be potentially made.​
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

‌The following are some examples of (partial) existing counterclaims: It can/could be argued [by sb.] that…; It may/might be contended [by sb.] that…‏
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

​A rebuttal is a response to an existing or potential counterclaim.​
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

‎Rebuttals support and reinforce the claim by “disarming” – either completely or partially – the counterclaim.‎
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

‏Among various approaches to rebutting counterclaims, the technique of comparing and contrasting involves making an assessment about the accuracy, significance or persuasiveness – in other words, the value – of something.​
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‏The rebuttal approach of definition and reinterpretation refers to questioning someone’s understanding of a concept or offering a different interpretation of it. It is often combined with a negation, which refers to the contradiction or denial of something.‎
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

‍One of the ways of finding counterclaims is to speak with others (friends, classmates, teachers, workmates, family members, etc.). Their comments can be included in the essay.‌
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

​After doing research and/or speaking with others to find counterclaims, it is possible that you may change your own views, causing you to revise your thesis.‎
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确



‎When structuring an argumentative body paragraph, although writers can chose one approach that suits their purposes and interests most, some guidelines should always be obeyed. Please select from the following practices the one that satisfy the guideline of being logical.​
A: Providing evidence and giving a counterclaim first before a warrant.
B: Using transitions and signaling phrases to link sentences with contrasting functions.
C: Using a different organizational logic for every paragraph.
D: ---
答案: 【 Using transitions and signaling phrases to link sentences with contrasting functions.

‌There are three broad categories of structuring argumentative essays. Please select from the following statements the one that correctly describes the features of given approach.​
A: Integrated model: In this model, some elements are contained in one paragraph and others are contained in another paragraph that follows.
B: Semi-integrated model: In this model, all elements are contained in one paragraph.
C: Split model: In this model, the elements are spread out over several paragraphs.
D: ---
答案: 【 Split model: In this model, the elements are spread out over several paragraphs.

‍Another approach to writing the (entire) body of an argumentative essay can be called more genuinely Rogerian. Please select from the following descriptions the one that fails to match with Rogerian approach.‎
A: It is more persuasive and convincing compared to other approaches.
B: Each body unit can be fully developed with a topic sentence, evidence, a warrant and a concluding sentence.
C: It involves presenting each side of an issue in separate body units.
D: ---
答案: 【 It is more persuasive and convincing compared to other approaches.

‎There are three key features that should be included in an introduction: Background information, Thesis statement, Purpose and structure of essay. Please select from the following descriptions the incorrect one.‌
A: Background information helps to frame the composition as an argumentative essay.
B: The purpose and structure of the essay are specified either in the middle or at the end of the introduction.
C: Thesis statement allows them to become “tuned in” to the problem under discussion.
D: ---
答案: 【 Thesis statement allows them to become “tuned in” to the problem under discussion.

Please select from the following choices the one whose category and substantiated examples mismatch according to the knowledge on the essential features of conclusion part in argumentative writing, which focuses on arguing that “the amount of time children spend in direct sunlight should be controlled by their parents”.​
A: Summary of the main points: A number of examples has been provided to demonstrate both university students’ ability to circumvent such restrictions as well as how their learning would be impaired.
B: Closing statement: In light of the above analysis, it can be deduced that limiting university students’ access to the Internet and electronic devices would produce few benefits.
C: Limitations: Since the study only considered undergraduate students, it is uncertain to what extent the same conclusion can be made in the case of postgraduate students.
D: ---
答案: 【 Closing statement: In light of the above analysis, it can be deduced that limiting university students’ access to the Internet and electronic devices would produce few benefits.

​There are many different ways to organize evidence, warrants, counterclaims and rebuttals in an argumentative essay.‎
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

‎It is always necessary for every paragraph to have a topic sentence and a concluding sentence.‎
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‍Each supporting element does have to be limited to only one sentence.‏
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‏Background information demonstrates why the problem is important and worthy of discussion. This raises the audience’s interest and motivation to read the essay.‏
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

There are four key features that should be included in a conclusion: Restatement of the thesis, Summary of the main points, Limitations and Closing statement.‎
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确



Evidence in argumentation can be classified as two categories: primary sources and secondary sources. Please select from the following statements the one that misinterprets these two categories.​
A: “Primary” means most important.
B: Most academic literature is chiefly composed of secondary sources.
C: Secondary sources are generally considered as less reliable.
D: ---
答案: 【 “Primary” means most important.

Not just any evidence can, or should, be used in an argumentative essay. It should fulfill some criteria. Please select from the following statements the one with the right description.‍
A: Credible: This means that the evidence is clear, logical and meaningful. It should convince.
B: Effective: This means that the source of the evidence is reliable and trustworthy.
C: Relevant: This means that the evidence is related directly to the topic or claim being made.
D: ---
答案: 【 Relevant: This means that the evidence is related directly to the topic or claim being made.

There are many tips to decide whether a source is credible. Please select from the following examples the credible one.‌
A: Publicly editable encyclopedias or “wikis” (e.g. Baidu Baike, Wikipedia)
B: https://eric.ed.gov
C: https:// emerald.edn.org
D: ---
答案: 【 https://eric.ed.gov

Direst and indirect speech are two common ways of using evidence to support the author’s argument in argumentative writing. Please select from the following statements the one with the right description.‏‌‏
A: When using indirect speech, the meaning of the original text can be altered in some ways.
B: When using direct speech, it may be necessary to add information to the quotation for purposes of clarification.
C: Special attention may need to be given to verbs and words that refer to time and place when usin



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