Cellular adaptation, injury and death

unit test (cellular adaptation, injury and death)

‌A 17-year-old boy infected with hepatitis A experiences mild nausea for about 1 week and develops very mild scleral icterus. On physical examination, he has minimal right upper quadrant tenderness. Laboratory findings include a serum AST of 68U/L, ALT 75U/L, and total bilirubin 5.l mg/dL. The increase in this patient's serum enzyme levels most likely results from which of the following changes in the hepatocytes?‎
A: Dispersion of ribosomes
B: Autophagy by lysosomes
C: Swelling of the mitochondria
D: Clumping of nuclear chromatin
E: Defects in the cell membrane
答案: 【 Defects in the cell membrane

‍On a routine visit to the physician, an otherwise healthy 51-year-old man has a blood pressure of 150/95 mm Hg. If the patient's hypertension remains untreated for years, which of the following cellular alterations will most likely be seen in the myocardium?‎
A: Atrophy
B: Hyperplasia
C: Metaplasia
D: Hemosiderosis
E: Hypertrophy
答案: 【 Hypertrophy

‎In an experiment, cells are subjected to radiant energy in the form of x-rays. This results in cell injury caused by hydrolysis of water. Which of the following cellular enzymes protects the cells from this type of injury?‍
A: Phospholipase 
B: Glutathione peroxidase
C: Endonuclease
D: Lactate dehydrogenase
E: Protease
答案: 【 Glutathione peroxidase

‎A 68-year-old woman suddenly lost consciousness and, on awakening 1 hour later, she could not speak or move her right arm and leg. Two months later, a head CT scan showed a large cystic area in the left parietal lobe. Which of the following pathologic processes has most likely occurred in the brain?‏
A: Fat necrosis
B: Coagulative necrosis
C: Apoptosis
D: Liquefactive necrosis
E: Karyolysis
答案: 【 Liquefactive necrosis

‏An experiment analyzes cells for enzyme activity associated with sustained cellular proliferation. Which of the following cells is most likely to have the highest telomerase activity? ​
A: Endothelial cells
B: Germ cells
C:  Neurons
D: Neutrophils
E:  Erythrocytes
答案: 【  Neurons

​In a clinical trial, a chemotherapeutic agent is given to patients with breast cancer metastases. Samples of the cancer cells are obtained and assessed for the presence of death of tumor cells by apoptosis. Mutational inactivation of which of the following products is most likely to render tumor cells resistant to the effects of such an agent?‍
A: BCL-2
B: p53
C: NF- kappaB
D: Cytochrome P-450
E: Granzyme B
答案: 【 NF- kappaB

‌A 22-year-old woman has a congenital anemia that has required multiple transfusions of RBCs for many years. On physical examination, she now has no significant findings; however, liver function tests show reduced serum albumin. Which of the following findings would most likely appear in a liver biopsy specimen? ‍
A: Steatosis in hepatocytes
B: Bilirubin in canaliculi
C: Glycogen in hepatocytes
D: Amyloid in portal triads
E: Hemosiderin in hepatocytes
答案: 【 Hemosiderin in hepatocytes

​A 69-year-old man has had difficulty with urination, including hesitancy and frequency, for the past 5 years. A digital rectal examination reveals that the prostate gland is palpably enlarged to about twice normal size. A transurethral resection of the prostate is performed, and the microscopic appearance of the prostate “chips” obtained is that of nodules of glands with intervening stroma. Which of the following pathologic processes has most likely occurred in the prostate?‍
A: Apoptosis
B: Dysplasia
C: Fatty change
D: Hyperplasia
E: Hypertrophy
F: Metaplasia
答案: 【 Hyperplasia

‏A 33-year-old woman has had increasing lethargy and decreased urine output for the past week. Laboratory studies show serum creatinine level of 4.3mg/dL and urea nitrogen level of 40mg/dL. A renal biopsy is performed, and the specimen is examined using electron microscopy. Which of the following morphologic changes most likely suggests a diagnosis of acute tubular necrosis? ‎
A: Mitochondrial swelling
B: Plasma membrane blebs
C: Chromatin clumping
D: Nuclear fragmentation
E: Ribosomal disaggregation
答案: 【 Nuclear fragmentation

‍A 63-year-old man has a 2-year history of worsening congestive heart failure. An echocardiogram shows mitral stenosis with left atrial dilation. A thrombus is present in the left atrium. One month later, he experiences left flank pain and notes hematuria. Laboratory testing shows elevated serum AST. Which of the following patterns of tissue injury is most likely to be present?​
A: Liquefactive necrosis
B: Caseous necrosis 
C: Coagulative necrosis
D: Fat necrosis
E: Gangrenous necrosis
答案: 【 Coagulative necrosis

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

unit test (disease of the cardiovascular system)

​50-year old man has blood pressure of 150/90 mm Hg(normal blood pressure is 120/90 mm Hg). If this person remains untreated for years, which of the following alterations will be seen in the myocardium?‎
A: Atrophy
B: Metaplasia
C: Hypertrophy
D: Dysplasia
E: Necrosis
答案: 【 Hypertrophy

‍A 65-year-old man was found to have a 5-cm pulsatile mass in his abdomen during a routine physical examination. Angiography reveals a marked dilation in his aorta distal to the renal arteries. Which of the following is the most likely cause of this aneurysm?‌
A: A congenital defect
B: Hypertension
C: Trauma
D: Rheumatic fever
E: Atherosclerosis
答案: 【 Atherosclerosis

‎A 65-year-old man develops intense crushing substernal, chest pain that is not relieved by nitroglycerin. The ECG shows ST-segment elevation and abnormal Q waves. His condition rapidly worsens and he dies 2 days later. At autopsy a 2.5 cm2 necrotic area is found that involves the anterior left ventricle. What is the most likely cause of this patient's myocardial infarction?‎
A:  Fibrinoid necrosis of main trunk of left coronary artery
B: Severe stenosis of all three main branches of coronary artery without thrombosis
C: Thrombosis of the anterior descending branch of the left coronary artery
D: Complete occlusion of the left circumflex coronary artery
E: Vasospasm of the right coronary artery
答案: 【 Thrombosis of the anterior descending branch of the left coronary artery

‏A 57-year-old man has had blood pressure measurements in the range of 160/95 to 180/110 mm Hg for many years. He has taken no medications. A renal scan reveals kidneys of normal size for age. These findings with benign nephrosclerosis are most likely to occur with which of the following vascular changes?‎
A:  Hyaline arteriolosclerosis
B: Monckeberg's medial calcific sclerosis
C: Complex calcified atherosclerosis
D: Arterial mural thrombosis
E: Hyperplastic arteriolosclerosis
答案: 【  Hyaline arteriolosclerosis

‍A 51-year-old man has the sudden onset of substernal chest pain which radiates to his left arm and neck. He becomes light-headed and diaphoretic over the next 8 hours. He goes to the emergency room. On examination he is afebrile but has a heart rate of 96/minute with an irregular rhythm. Laboratory studies show an increased serum troponin I. Which of the following features would be most prominent by histopathologic examination of his myocardium at this point in time? ‍
A: Macrophage infiltration
B: Coagulative Necrosis
C: Neutrophilic infiltration
D: Capillary proliferation
E: Collagen deposition
答案: 【 Coagulative Necrosis

‍Peripheral artery disease develops if plaque deposits block blood flow to the arteries that supply the arms, pelvis, or legs.‎
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

‎Gross feature of hypertensive heart disease is left ventrical hypertrophy.‏
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

‎Family history, age, genetic abnormalities, and diet, these are all called constitutional risk factor. ‌
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

​Myocardial rupture is most common 10-14 days after infarction.​
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

​Fatty streaks are composed of smooth muscle cells.‌
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

Diseases of the digestive system

unit test (diseases of the digestive system)

‏At the time of biopsy, chronic atrophic gastritis of autoimmune etiology (type A) can be associated with each of the following findings EXCEPT:‏
A: Helicobacter infection
B: Achlorhydria
C: High serum gastrin levels
D: Risk for adenocarcinoma
E: Pernicious anemia
答案: 【 Helicobacter infection

‌Pre-neoplastic conditions of the gastrointestinal tract include all of the following EXCEPT:‏
A: Barrett's esophagus
B: Ulcerative colitis
C: Crohn's disease
D: Chronic atrophic gastritis
E: Diverticulitis
答案: 【 Diverticulitis

‌A perirectal fistula is most likely to occur in which of the following patients:‏
A:  A 66-year-old male with colonic adenocarcinoma
B: A 58-year-old female with diverticulosis and diverticulitis
C: A 25-year-old female with chronic ulcerative colitis
D: A 5-year-old girl with shigellosis
E: A 27-year-old male with Crohn's disease
答案: 【 A 27-year-old male with Crohn's disease

‏A 45-year-old male is found at autopsy to have a 2500 gm liver (normal up to 1800 gm) that microscopically shows most hepatocytes to be filled with large lipid droplets. The probable etiology is:‏
A: Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency
B: Wilson's disease
C: Acute hepatitis C
D: Chronic alcoholism
E: Biliary tract lithiasis
答案: 【 Chronic alcoholism

‏A 54-year-old Asian male who is hepatitis B surface antigen positive has a firm, nodular liver. All of the following findings can occur as complications of this condition EXCEPT:‌
A: Hepatocellular carcinoma
B: Coagulopathy
C: Ascites
D: Splenomegaly
E: Hepatic infarction
答案: 【 Hepatic infarction

‍Chronic gastritis is characterized by chronic mucosal inflammation and atrophy of the mucosal glands.‏
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

​ Most often, the gastric ulcer occurs at or near the greater curvature, in the antral and prepyloric regions.​
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‎The tumor cells of Krukenberg tumors often contain abundant mucin.‏
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

‍The transmission of hepatitis A virus is via parenteral, sexual, and vertical routes.‌
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‍HBV and HCV are the most common viral causes of postnecrotic cirrhosis. ​
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

Diseases of the endocrine system

unit test-diseases of the endocrine system

‌A 10-year-old previously healthy child has been noted by her parents to be constantly thirsty. She is consuming large amounts of soft drinks. She is urinating often. Her diet and exercise patterns have not changed, except for an increased appetite, yet she appears cachectic and has lost 7 kg over the past 4 months. On physical examination there are no abnormal findings, other than peripheral muscle wasting and weakness. Which of the following laboratory findings would you most strongly suspect is present in this girl?‍‌‍
A: Incre



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