Unit Five Schindler's List (主讲:张兴华)

Choose one best answer from the four choices.

​Schindler’s List is a 1993 American epic historical drama film directed by ____________.‍
A: James Cameron
B: Robert Zemeckis
C: Steven Spielberg
D: Roman Polanski
答案: 【 Steven Spielberg

‎Oskar Schindler, a German industrialist, a German spy and a member of the Nazi party who saved many Jews during the Holocaust by __________.‌
A:  issuing Jews the visas
B: providing Jews with shelters
C: employing Jews in his factories
D: illegal shipment of Jews
答案: 【 employing Jews in his factories

‎Oskar Schindler was considered as an opportunist because __________.‌
A: he wanted to make fortunes by taking advantage of war
B: he wanted to move his factory to his hometown
C: he got a factory confiscated from Jews
D: he made ammunitions used by German armies in his factory
答案: 【 he wanted to make fortunes by taking advantage of war

‏Oskar Schindler was named Righteous among the Nations by the _________ government.​
A: American
B: Israeli
C: Polish
D: Czech
答案: 【 Israeli

​Poldek Pfefferberg is considered to be one of the persons who help contributing to the making of the film Schindler’s List mainly because______________.‍
A: he was the story-teller, telling the story of his savior, Oskar Schindler
B: he was the only person who survived in the factory
C: he was one of Jews who kept good relation with Oskar Schindler
D: he was one of Jews who survived the Holocaust
答案: 【 he was the story-teller, telling the story of his savior, Oskar Schindler

‌After reading the review of the book Schindler's Ark and meeting Pfefferberg in 1983, Spielberg expressed enough interest in putting the story into a film. But later he tried to pass the project to other film directors. Why?‎
A: Because Spielberg was taking on another Holocaust Drama then.
B: Because Spielberg’s mother was killed during the Holocaust.
C: Because Spielberg was worried that the topic would cause controversies.
D: Because Spielberg was not sure whether he was good enough to make the film. 
答案: 【 Because Spielberg was not sure whether he was good enough to make the film. 

​The film director Roman Polanski turned down the Spielberg’s proposal of making the film Schindler's List since__________________. ‍
A: he knew producing such a film about Holocaust would spend a large mount of money
B: he could not accept the truth that his mother was killed at concentration camp
C: he was directing the film Pianist, another Holocaust Drama then
D: he was not interested in the topic
答案: 【 he could not accept the truth that his mother was killed at concentration camp

‍Marked by mass deaths of civilians, including the Holocaust and the only use of nuclear weapons in warfare, World War II resulted in millions of death. “Holocaust” here means _________.‌
A: 偷袭珍珠港
B: 南京大屠杀
C: 卡廷惨案
D: 犹太人大屠杀
答案: 【 犹太人大屠杀

‏Which country is the number 1 on the list of an estimate of the number of Jews murdered between 1939 and 1945?‌
A: Holland
B: Poland
C: Hungary
D: Germany
答案: 【 Poland

‌During World War II, many concentration camps and Ghettos were established in Europe, among them is Auschwitz concentration camp which is located in _________.‎
A: Poland
B: Germany
C: Soviet Union
D: Holland
答案: 【 Poland

‍During the Second World War, the Nazi party, under the leadership of Adolf Hitler, tried to kill all the Jews in Europe. This plan eventually turned to genocide. Genocide here means _________.‎
A: 不可告人的计划
B: 大屠杀
C: 种族灭绝
D: 反人类罪
答案: 【 种族灭绝

​Some historians attribute the Holocaust to the following reasons except _________.‎
A:  race-centric ideology
B: anti-Semitic tradition in Europe
C: Hitler’s personal passion
D: German economic difficulties after WWI
答案: 【 Hitler’s personal passion

‌In the opening scene of the film, the red flame of the candle stands for all except _________.‏
A:  the hope for peace
B: the hope for life
C: the hope for freedom
D: the hope for unity
答案: 【 the hope for unity

‎In the opening scene of the film, the grey smoke rising upward from the candle can be easily associated with the smoke from chimneys of gas chambers in concentration camps, symbolizing all except __________ in the concentration camps.‌
A: the darkness
B: the death
C: the horror
D: the loneliness
答案: 【 the loneliness

‌After the war, Schindler says good bye to the Jews from his factory and starts his fugitive life. How about Amon Goeth after the war?‏
A: He has to flee.
B: He is arrested and sent to the prison.
C: He is captured and hanged.
D: He is put in jail for life.
答案: 【 He is captured and hanged.

​At the end of the film, we can see Schindler’s Jews keeping walking, walking from the distance to us. At the moment, the black-and-white image is changing into colors. The change from black-and-white to colors means all except ________. ‌
A:  the freedom and hope for Jews
B: flourishing of the generation of “Schindler’s Jews today”
C: the good-bye to the Holocaust
D:  bad memory of the past
答案: 【  bad memory of the past

‍It is often considered that there are two clues for the film Schindler’s List, one is Schindler and his factory, and the other should be __________.‏
A: the liberation of the Jews
B: the resistance of the Jews
C: the miserable fate of the Jews
D: the flourishing and decline of the Jews
答案: 【 the miserable fate of the Jews

‎At the beginning of the film, Schindler tries to keep in touch with German high-ranking officers to___________.‎
A: please them
B: establish his status
C: win women for them
D: get factory from them
答案: 【 establish his status

‍What happens the first day when Helen comes to work for Amon Goeth?‌
A: She beats the dog.
B: She throws the bones at the dog.
C: She is beaten.
D: The dog bites her.
答案: 【 She is beaten.

‌“The list is an absolute good. The list is life. All around its margins lies the gulf”, the quote from the film Schindler’s List. The symbolic meaning of “the gulf” is ________.‏
A: the death
B: the deepest sea
C: hope
D: despair
答案: 【 the death

‏Spielberg shot the film in black and white and approached it as ___________, to record the unforgettable history of the past.‌
A: a documentary
B: a drama
C: a tragedy
D: a sort of nostalgia
答案: 【 a documentary

‏Against the black-and-white image, the little girl dressed in red is walking along the street. Which following statement is not right? ‏
A: The red color means the life.
B: The little girl dressed in red seems very striking and impressive to the audience.
C: The little girl dressed in red gives the audience a hint.
D: The red color seems more beautiful.
答案: 【 The red color seems more beautiful.

‏Ho Feng-Shan was a Chinese ____________. When he was Consul-general in Vienna, Austria during World War II.​
A: diplomat
B: secretary
C: social worker
D: volunteer
答案: 【 diplomat

‏During the Second World War about 30,000 Jewish people were given the safe asylum in Shanghai by Chinese people and escaped the atrocities of the Holocaust in Europe. One of them is Ho Fengshan who rescued thousands of Jews in Austria from the Holocaust by _________.​
A: providing secret passages to Shanghai
B: hiring them in his factory
C: issuing visas to Shanghai
D: providing international safety zone in Vienna
答案: 【 issuing visas to Shanghai

‌John Rabe was a member of Nazi Party and a German businessman who is best known for his efforts to stop the atrocities of the Japanese army and his work to protect the Chinese civilians during the Nanking Occupation from 1937 to 1938 by ______________.‍
A: Nanking Safety Zone
B: his special identity
C: special relation with Japan
D: his relatives and friends in Germany
答案: 【 Nanking Safety Zone


‌Schindler’s List is a 1993 American epic historical drama film directed by ____________.‍
A: James Cameron
B: Robert Zemeckis
C: Steven Spielberg
D: Roman Polanski
答案: 【 Steven Spielberg

‌The film Schindler’s List is based on the novel Schindler's Ark by Thomas Keneally, a (an) ________ novelist.‌
A: American
B: Polish
C: German
D: Australian
答案: 【 Australian

‎The film Schindler’s List tells the story about Oskar Schindler, a member of the Nazi party who saved the lives of about _________ Jews during the Holocaust.‏
A: 400
B: 800
C: 1200
D: 2000
答案: 【 1200

‍Oskar Schindler, a German industrialist, a German spy and a member of the Nazi party who saved many Jews during the Holocaust by __________. ‌
A:  issuing Jews the visas
B:  providing Jews with shelters
C: employing Jews in his factories
D:  illegal shipment of Jews
答案: 【 employing Jews in his factories

‌ Oskar Schindler was considered as an opportunist because __________.‏
A: he wanted to make fortunes by taking advantage of war
B: he wanted to move his factory to his hometown
C: he got a factory confiscated from Jews 
D: he made ammunitions used by German armies in his factory
答案: 【 he wanted to make fortunes by taking advantage of war

‏Oskar Schindler was named Righteous among the Nations by the _________ government.‍
A: American
B:  Israeli
C: Polish
D: Czech
答案: 【  Israeli

‏Poldek Pfefferberg is considered to be one of the persons who help contributing to the making of the film Schindler’s List mainly because______________.‏
A: he was the story-teller, telling the story of his savior, Oskar Schindler
B: he was the only person who survived in the factory
C: he was one of Jews who kept good relation with Oskar Schindler
D: he was one of Jews who survived the Holocaust
答案: 【 he was the story-teller, telling the story of his savior, Oskar Schindler

‎After reading the review of the book Schindler's Ark and meeting Pfefferberg in 1983, Spielberg expressed enough interest in putting the story into a film. But later he tried to pass the project to other film directors. Why?‌
A: Because Spielberg was taking on another Holocaust Drama then.
B: Because Spielberg’s mother was killed during the Holocaust.
C: Because Spielberg was worried that the topic would cause controversies.
D: Because Spielberg was not sure whether he was good enough to make the film. 
答案: 【 Because Spielberg was not sure whether he was good enough to make the film. 

​The film director Roman Polanski turned down the Spielberg’s proposal of making the film Schindler's List since__________________. ‌
A: he knew producing such a film about Holocaust would spend a large mount of money
B: he could not accept the truth that his mother was killed at concentration camp
C: he was directing the film Pianist, another Holocaust Drama then
D: he was not interested in the topic
答案: 【 he could not accept the truth that his mother was killed at concentration camp

‍This film Schindler's List has achieved a great success. It has won ______ Oscar Awards out of twelve nominations.‌
A:  five
B: six
C: seven
D: eight
答案: 【 seven


‍Marked by mass deaths of civilians, including the Holocaust and the only use of nuclear weapons in warfare, World War II resulted in millions of death. “Holocaust” here means _________.‌
A: 偷袭珍珠港
B: 南京大屠杀
C: 卡廷惨案
D: 犹太人大屠杀
答案: 【 犹太人大屠杀

‎Which country is the number 1 on the list of an estimate of the number of Jews murdered between 1939 and 1945? ‏
A: Holland
B: Poland
C: Hungary 
D: Germany
答案: 【 Poland

​How many Jewish people were killed during the WWII under the leadership of Adolf Hitler?‌
A: Five million.
B: Six million.
C: Seven million.
D:  Eight million.
答案: 【 Six million.

‏During World War II, Concentration camps and Ghettos for Jews are mostly located in __________.‍
A: Poland
B: Germany
C: Soviet Union
D: Holland
答案: 【 Germany

‍During World War II, many concentration camps and Ghettos were established in Europe, among them is Auschwitz concentration camp which is located in _________.​
A: Poland
B: Germany
C: Soviet Union
D: Holland
答案: 【 Poland

‍During the Second World War, the Nazi party, under the leadership of Adolf Hitler, tried to kill all the Jews in Europe. This plan eventually turned to genocide. Genocide here means _________.​
A: 不可告人的计划
B: 大屠杀
C: 种族灭绝
D: 反人类罪
答案: 【 种族灭绝

‌Some historians attribute the Holocaust to the following reasons except _________.‌
A: race-centric ideology
B: anti-Semitic tradition in Europe
C: Hitler’s personal passion
D: German economic difficulties after WWI
答案: 【 Hitler’s personal passion


‏In the opening scene of the film, we can hear the sound of match striking. Two candles lighted by a match, and whole Jewish family is standing around the dinner table and the lighted candles to ___________.‎
A: wait for the breakfast
B: pray to the God
C: sing for the peace
D: observe the Jewish Sabbath (犹太人的安息日)
答案: 【 observe the Jewish Sabbath (犹太人的安息日)

‎In the opening scene of the film, the red flame of the candle stands for all except _________. ‎
A: the hope for peace
B: the hope for life
C: the hope for freedom
D: the hope for good luck
答案: 【 the hope for good luck

‏In the opening scene of the film, the grey smoke rising upward from the candle can be easily associated with the smoke from chimneys of gas chambers in concentration camps, symbolizing all except __________ in the concentration camps.‌
A: the darkness
B: the death
C: the horror
D: the loneliness
答案: 【 the loneliness

​After the war, Schindler says good bye to the Jews from his factory and starts his fugitive life. How about Amon Goeth after the war?​
A: He has to flee.
B: He is arrested and sent to the prison. 
C: He is captured and hanged. 
D: He is put in jail for life.
答案: 【 He is captured and hanged. 

‎At the end of the film, we can see Schindler’s Jews keeping walking, walking from the distance to us. At the moment, the black-and-white image is changing into colors. The change from black-and-white to colors means all except ________.‎
A: the freedom and hope for Jews
B: flourishing of the generation of “Schindler’s Jews today”
C: the good-bye to the Holocaust
D: bad memory of the past
答案: 【 bad memory of the past


‎It is often considered that there are two clues for the film Schindler’s List, one is Schindler and his factory, and the other should be __________.‌
A: the liberation of the Jews
B:  the resistance of the Jews
C: the miserable fate of the Jews
D: the flourishing and decline of the Jews
答案: 【 the miserable fate of the Jews

‌At the beginning of the film, Schindler tries to keep in touch with German high-ranking officers to___________. ‍
A: please them
B: establish his status
C: win women for them
D: get factory from them
答案: 【 establish his status

‎What happens the first day when Helen comes to work for Amon Goeth?‏
A: She beats the dog.
B: She throws the bones at the dog.
C: She is beaten.
D: The dog bites her.
答案: 【 She is beaten.

‍She is beaten by Amon Goeth just because ________.‎
A: she throws out the bones from dinner
B: she throws the bones at the dog
C: she takes the bone for his dog
D: she asks Amon Goeth why she is beaten
答案: 【 she asks Amon Goeth why she is beaten

‎In the film Schindler’s List, Schindler moves his factory from Poland to his hometown in Czechoslovakia for the purpose of _________. ‍
A: making more money
B: getting cheaper workers
C: avoiding being captured
D: protecting more Jews
答案: 【 protecting more Jews

‏“The list is an absolute good. The list is life. All around its margins lies the gulf”, the quote from the film Schindler’s List. The symbolic meaning of “the gulf” is ________.‌
A: the death
B: the deepest sea
C: hope
D: despair
答案: 【 the death

‏The war is over, and Schindler gives a speech to the Jews in his factory to depict himself as all except ________.​
A: a murderer 
B: a criminal
C: a profiteer
D: a manufacturer
答案: 【 a murderer 

​During his speech, Schindler turns to the guards who are holding the guns and says that ______________.​
A: they must leave factory quickly
B: it’s good time for them to arrest all these Jews now
C:  it’s good time for them of dispose of all these Jews now
D: they can return to their families as men rather than as killers
答案: 【 they can return to their families as men rather than as killers

‍After the war, the workers from Schindler’s factory sign their names on a letter and give the letter to Schindler because the letter ___________.‍
A: can prove these Jews’ identity
B: can tell the things these Jews have done
C: can prove these Jews are innocent
D: can help Schindler once he is to be captured
答案: 【 can help Schindler once he is to be captured

‍After the war, the Jews give Schindler a ring to ________.​
A: express their good wishes
B: protect him wherever he goes
C: express their gratitude
D: maintain their relation
答案: 【 express their gratitude


‎Spielberg shot the film in black and white and approached it as ___________, to record the unforgettable history of the past.‍
A: a documentary
B: a drama
C: a tragedy
D: a sort of nostalgia
答案: 【 a documentary

​The film is shot in black and white for the reason except that black and white ____________.‌
A: can give the audience a special effect
B: can give the audience the feeling of nostalgia
C:  is the good representation of the Holocaust itself
D: can achieve special effect for the Holocaust
答案: 【 can give the audience the feeling of nostalgia

‏In the film, there is the bargaining between Schindler and Amon Goeth about buying Jews. Schindler and Amon Goeth are separated by the dark shadow (actually a pillar). The shadow between them shows ____________.‌
A: they are in completely opposite position
B: they are both members of the Nazi Party
C: they are making a black deal
D: they can hide themselves from others
答案: 【 they are in completely opposite position

‎The women in the train are talking about food like meat, potatoes, and eggs waiting for them when they see a child out of the train, making a gesture to them. The gesture implies that ___________.‏
A: good food is waiting for them
B: they are soon arriving
C: death is waiting for them
D: there is a danger in front of the train
答案: 【 death is waiting for them

‍In the film clip,train carrying some women is leaving for _________.‏
A: Schindler’s factory in Poland
B: Schindler’s factory in Czechoslovakia
C: forced labor camp
D: Auschwitz concentration camp
答案: 【 Auschwitz concentration camp

‏In the film clip, we can see a train is carrying some women to concentration camp. The white-and-black color, plus the flashing and changing of shadow and light can create an atmosphere of all except _________. ‏
A: horror
B: desperation
C: uncertainty
D: distrust
答案: 【 distrust


‎At the beginning of the film Schindler’s List, which one is not the identity of Oscar Schindler? ‍
A: A German spy.
B: A member of Nazi Party.
C: A fugitive. 
D: An opportunist.
答案: 【 A fugitive. 

‌In the end Schindler has become a righteous person, a man of humanity and justice, a man ____________. ​
A: who risks his life and saves as many Jews as possible in his factory
B: who gives Jews money and help them through the difficulties
C: who helps Jews find jobs in different factories
D: who gives Jews the visas to different countries
答案: 【 who risks his life and saves as many Jews as possible in his factory

‍The night before the Holocaust, Schindler is riding the horse on the top of the hill with _________. ​
A: his wife
B: his servant
C: his mistress
D: a Jewish girl
答案: 【 his mistress

‍When he hears the gunshot faraway from the Ghetto. He stops, and looks down at the unusually chaotic streets below. He feels _______.‍
A: relaxed
B: shocked
C: tired
D:  frightened
答案: 【 shocked

‍Against the black-and-white image, the little girl dressed in red is walking along the street. Which following statement is not right?‎
A: The red color means the life.
B: The little girl dressed in red seems very striking and impressive to the audience.
C: The little girl dressed in red gives the audience a hint.
D: The red color seems more beautiful.
答案: 【 The red color seems more beautiful.

​Schindler changes from a member of the Nazi party, a businessman, a criminal to a righteous person, a man of humanity. What makes his dramatic change?‏
A: His childhood experience.
B: The influence from his wife.
C: His personal experience, especially the Holocaust and the Jews he used to employ.
D: His contacts with other German officers.
答案: 【 His personal experience, especially the Holocaust and the Jews he used to employ.


‏Ho Feng-Shan was a Chinese ____________. When he was Consul-general in Vienna, Austria during World War II.‎
A: diplomat
B: secretary
C: social worker
D: volunteer
答案: 【 diplomat

​During the Second World War about 30,000 Jewish people were given the safe asylum in Shanghai by Chinese people and escaped the atrocities of the Holocaust in Europe. One of them is Ho Fengshan who rescued thousands of Jews in Austria from the Holocaust by _________.‌
A: providing secret passages to Shanghai
B: hiring them in his factory
C: issuing visas to Shanghai
D: providing international safety zone in Vienna
答案: 【 issuing visas to Shanghai

‍The action of Ho Fengshan was recognized after his death, and he was awarded the title "Righteous among the Nations" by the _________ government in 2000.‏
A: Austrian
B: American
C: Chinese
D: Israeli
答案: 【 Israeli

‍Nicholas Winton was a British humanitarian who organized the rescue of 669 children, most of them Jewish, from __________ to Britain just before the WWII.‎
A: Poland
B: Czechoslovakia
C: France
D: Germany
答案: 【 Czechoslovakia

‍Nicholas Winton’s rescue action went unnoticed for half a century until in 1988 _______ found a detailed scrapbook in their attic, containing lists of the children, their parents' names, the names and addresses of the families that adopted these children.‌
A: a thief
B: his daughter
C: his wife
D: his neighbor
答案: 【 his wife

​In 2014, Nicholas Winton was awarded the highest honor of the Czech Republic, the Order of the White Lion by Czech President. He is often called __________.‌
A: Schindler alive
B: the Father of Children
C: Czech hero
D: British Schindler
答案: 【 British Schindler

‏John Rabe was a member of Nazi Party and a German businessman who is best known for his efforts to stop the atrocities of the Japanese army and his work to protect the Chinese civilians during the Nanking Occupation from 1937 to 1938 by ______________.‏
A: Nanking Safety Zone
B: his special identity
C: special relation with Japan
D: his relatives and friends in Germany
答案: 【 Nanking Safety Zone

‍There is a film which focuses upon the experiences of a German businessman who used his Nazi Party membership to create a protective International Safety Zone in Nanking, China, helping to save thousands of Chinese from the Nanking Massacre in late 1937 and early 1938. The film is called _______________. ​
A: Nanking, 1937
B: Nanking, Nanking
C: The Flowers Of War
D: John Rabe
答案: 【 John Rabe

Unit Four The Pursuit of Happyness (主讲:刘宇,杨洪娟)

Choose one best answer from the four choices.

‏The real Christopher Paul Gardner is an American businessman, investor, stockbroker, motivational speaker, author, and philanthropist. What does “philanthropist” mean?‍
A: A very rich person.
B: A very poor person.
C: A rich person who gives a lot of money to help poor people.
D: A man who becomes very rich by his own efforts.
答案: 【 A man who becomes very rich by his own efforts.

‍At one point, why is Chris forced to stay in a bathroom at a train station with his son?‍
A: He doesn’t want other people to find them.
B: He doesn’t have money to pay for the rent.
C: He wants to play joke with his son.
D: He finds out that the bathroom is a comfortable place.
答案: 【 He doesn’t have money to pay for the rent.

‎At the end of the internship, Chris is called into an office. He predicts that he will be ____________.‎
A: accepted as an employee in the company
B: fired by the company
C: suspended from his work
D: awarded for his excellent job
答案: 【 fired by the company

‌Who was Tomas Jefferson?‌
A: He was the English Founding Father.
B: He was the fourth president of theUnited   States.
C: He was the principal author of the Declaration of Independence.
D: He was the only author of the Declaration of Independence.
答案: 【 He was the principal author of the Declaration of Independence.

‍What can we mainly infer from the title of the movie?‎
A:  It’s not easy to get happiness.
B: Not everyone can get happiness.
C: Do not ask questions if you want to get happiness.
D: If you want to get happiness, do not ask why, just depend on yourself.
答案: 【 If you want to get happiness, do not ask why, just depend on yourself.

‍When did the real Chris Gardner determine to be a motivational speaker?‏
A: After his wife’s death.
B: After he became a stock broker.
C: After he opened his own company.
D: After he became the CEO of his company.
答案: 【 After his wife’s death.

‍When does Chris mention the Declaration of Independence for the first time in the movie?​
A: When he is making a phone call to his wife.
B: When he is working.
C: When he is selling the machine.
D: When he is meeting his client.
答案: 【 When he is making a phone call to his wife.

‎Where does Chris find the misspelling word “happyness”?​
A: On the wall of his company.
B: On the wall of his apartment.
C: On the door of his apartment. 
D: On the wall of his son’s daycare center.
答案: 【 On the wall of his son’s daycare center.

‏What does the man who drives a fancy car tell Chris about how to become a stock broker ?‎
A: One needs to have a college degree.
B: One needs to be very clever.
C: One needs to be good at numbers and be good with people.
D: One needs to work very hard.
答案: 【 One needs to be good at numbers and be good with people.

‏Which one is not the reason that Twistle gives Chris an opportunity to have an interview?‍
A: He likes Chris very much.
B: He finds out that Chris is very smart.
C: He wants to get rid of Chris quickly.
D: He finds out that Chris is very persevering.
答案: 【 He wants to get rid of Chris quickly.

‌During the internship, Chris does all the things to save time but to ______________.‍
A: avoid to go to the bathroom by not drinking water
B: reject the services to the office manager
C: hold the phone between calls
D: go to some places by running
答案: 【 reject the services to the office manager

‌During the internship,Chris does all the things except that _____________.‌
A: he often goes out drinking with his clients
B: he tries very hard to attract more clients to invest in their company
C: he does all the favors asked by his director
D: he studies in the dim light in the church
答案: 【 he often goes out drinking with his clients

‌How does Chris get the opportunity to share the ride with Twistle?‌
A: He happens to go to the same place with Twistle.
B: He follows Twistle to his own house. 
C: He pretends to go to the place where Twistle wants to go.
D: He calls a taxi for Twistle.
答案: 【 He pretends to go to the place where Twistle wants to go.

‍How does Chris impress Twistle on the taxi?‏
A: He finishes the magic cube which is very difficult for most people.
B: He tells Twistle his experience in the past.
C: He tells Twistle how much he likes this job.
D: He tells Twistle that he is a single father and he has to support the family.
答案: 【 He finishes the magic cube which is very difficult for most people.

‏During the internship, why does Chris have much fewer working hours than others?‍
A: He has to do a lot of favors for his director.
B: He has to make more phone calls than other people.
C: He is always interrupted by other people.
D: He has to pick up his son and rush to the church.
答案: 【 He has to pick up his son and rush to the church.

‎Why does the CEO invite Chris and his son to watch football with him?​
A: He is moved by Chris’s sincere attitude.
B: He likes Chris’s son.
C: He has no companion to the football game.
D: He wants to know more about Chris’s family.
答案: 【 He is moved by Chris’s sincere attitude.

‏In a job interview, avoiding eye contact is a sign of all the following except for _________. ‏
A: Deception
B: Disinterest
C: lack of confidence
D: optimism
答案: 【 optimism

‎Which of the following is not right for a successful job interview? ​
A: Answer most questions with short “yes” and “no”.
B: For women, do not dress sensually unless sex appeal is part of the job.
C: Arrive 15 minutes early for actual interview.
D: Be pleasant, polite and friendly but businesslike to everyone you meet, including office staff.
答案: 【 Answer most questions with short “yes” and “no”.

​The reason why Chris wins the opportunity to be an intern for six months in the company are the following except that ______________.‌
A: he is honest when answering questions
B: he looks very humorous in the interview
C: he dresses formally and neatly in the interview
D: he presents his optimism in the interview
答案: 【 he dresses formally and neatly in the interview

​What should you do if the employers are interested in your weaknesses? ‏
A: Tell them all your shortcomings.
B: Ask them to pay more attention to your strengths.
C: Show them your weakness control ability.
D: Tell them confidently that you don’t have shortcoming. 
答案: 【 Show them your weakness control ability.

‎According to this lesson, which of the following is right?‏
A: The candidate is not allowed to assess the corporate culture and demands of the job in the interview. 
B: The interviewees should use a crushing handshake to show their respect for interviewers.
C: A first impression is a rational, not an emotional reaction.
D: The job interview is considered one of the most useful tools for evaluating potential employees. 
答案: 【 The job interview is considered one of the most useful tools for evaluating potential employees. 

‎Where does the idea of “American Dream” come from?‍
A: A book named “Ragged Dick”.
B: The Declaration of Independence.
C: Henry David Thoreau.
D: The movie, The Pursuit of Happyness.
答案: 【 The Declaration of Independence.

‏“The American Dream” means that_________ can achieve fame and fortune in the United States through hard work, self-reliance, and sacrifice.‍
A: only rich people
B: the white
C: anyone
D: immigrants
答案: 【 anyone

‎At the end of the movie, Christ Gardner realized his American Dream, and he became a ________ through hard work and self-reliance.‌
A: successful businessman
B: professional reporter
C: successful salesman
D: wonderful husband
答案: 【 successful businessman

‏Christ Gardner had to spend one night in the police office for ___________.​
A: unpaid rent for the house
B: unpaid parking tickets
C: parking violation
D: unpaid income taxes
答案: 【 unpaid parking tickets


‎Which movie is not acted by Will Smith?​
A:  I, Robot.
B: I’m the Legend.
C: Men in Black.
D: Avatar.
答案: 【 Avatar.

‍The real Christopher Paul Gardner is an American businessman, investor, stockbroker, motivational speaker, author, and philanthropist. What does “philanthropist” mean?‎
A: A very rich person.
B: A very poor person.
C: A rich person who gives a lot of money to help poor people.
D: A man who becomes very rich by his own efforts.
答案: 【 A rich person who gives a lot of money to help poor people.

‍At one point, why is Chris forced to stay in a bathroom at a train station with his son?​
A: He doesn’t want other people to find them.
B: He doesn’t have money to pay for the rent.
C: He wants to play joke with his son. 
D: He finds out that the bathroom is a comfortable place.
答案: 【 He doesn’t have money to pay for the rent.

‍At the end of the internship, Chris is called into an office. He predicts that he will be                 . ​
A: accepted as an employee in the company.
B: fired by the company.
C: suspended from his work.
D: awarded for his excellent job.
答案: 【 fired by the company.

​Who was Tomas Jefferson?‍
A: He was the English Founding Father.
B: He was the fourth president of the United States.
C: He was the principal author of the Declaration of Independence.
D: He was the only author of the Declaration of Independence.
答案: 【 He was the principal author of the Declaration of Independence.

‍What can we mainly infer from the title of the movie?‏
A: It’s not easy to get happiness.
B: Not everyone can get happiness.
C: Do not ask questions if you want to get happiness.
D: if you want to get happiness, do not ask why, just depend on yourself.
答案: 【 if you want to get happiness, do not ask why, just depend on yourself.

‍The story of movie happened in which city of America? ‎
A: Los Angeles.
B: San Francisco.
C: Washington D. C.
D: Seattle.
答案: 【 San Francisco.

‎When did the real Chris Gardner determine to be a motivational speaker?‍
A: After his wife’s death.
B: After he became a stock broker.
C: After he opened his own company.
D: After he became the CEO of his company.
答案: 【 After his wife’s death.

‍How many people joins the internship of Dean Twitter Company?‌
A: 10
B: 12
C: 20
D: 25
答案: 【 20

‎During the internship, why does Chris carry his suitcase to the company?‏
A: Because he will go on a trip.
B: Because he wants to move to a new house.
C: Because he wants to leave the city.
D: Because he doesn’t have a home.
答案: 【 Because he doesn’t have a home.

‌Which president was Tomas Jefferson of the United States?‌
A: The first president.
B: The second president.
C: The third president.
D: The fourth president.
答案: 【 The third president.

‌When does Chris mention the Declaration of Independence for the first time in the movie?‌
A: When he is making a phone call to his wife.
B: When he is working.
C: When he is selling the machine.
D: When he is meeting his client.
答案: 【 When he is making a phone call to his wife.

​Where does Chris find the misspelling word “happyness”?‏
A: On the wall of his company.
B: On the wall of his apartment.
C: On the door of his apartment.
D: On the wall of his son’s daycare center.
答案: 【 On the wall of his son’s daycare center.


​What does the man who drives a fancy car tell Chris about how to become a stock broker?‍
A: One needs to have a college degree.
B: One needs to be very clever.
C: One needs to be good at numbers and be good with people.
D: One needs to work very hard.
答案: 【 One needs to be good at numbers and be good with people.

‍Which one is not the reason that Twistle gives Chris an opportunity to have an interview? ‍
A: He likes Chris very much.
B: He finds out that Chris is very smart.
C: He wants to get rid of Chris quickly.
D: He finds out that Chris is very persevering.
答案: 【 He wants to get rid of Chris quickly.

‍During the internship, Chris does all the things to save time but to        .‏
A: avoid to go to the bathroom by not drinking water.
B: reject the services to the office manager.
C: hold the phone between calls.
D: go to some places by running.
答案: 【 reject the services to the office manager.

​During the internship,Chris does all the things except that      .‍
A: he often goes out drinking with his clients.
B: he tries very hard to attract more clients to invest in their company.
C: he does all the favors asked by his director.
D: he studies in the dim light in the church.
答案: 【 he often goes out drinking with his clients.

‏Which one is not true about the coming opportunity Chris seizes?‏
A: He lies about having a friend in the neighborhood of the CEO.
B: He gets to know a lot of people during the football game.
C: He and his son have a very good time during the football game.
D: The CEO promises to cooperate with Chris.
答案: 【 The CEO promises to cooperate with Chris.

‌How do



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