Module 1 Course introduction 课程简介

Quiz for Module 1

‍______ refers to internal or external factors that affect the communication process. ‏‍‏
A: Interference
B: Message
C: Feedback
D: Speaker
答案: 【 Interference

‌_______ refers to the means through which message is communicated. ​
A: Channel
B: Interference
C: Feedback
D: Situation
答案: 【 Channel

‎_______ refers to the context in which speech communication takes place.‏‎‏
A: Situation
B: Feedback
C: Message
D: Interference
答案: 【 Situation

‏_______ refers to the verbal or non-verbal response to the speaker in speech communication.‍‏‍
A: Feedback
B: Interference
C: Message
D: Situation
答案: 【 Feedback

​ ________ is the person who initiates the communication.‌​‌
A: Speaker
B: Listener
C: Message
D: Communicator
答案: 【 Speaker

‎________ is the person who receives the communicated message.‏‎‏
A: Listener
B: Speaker
C: Message
D: Communicator
答案: 【 Listener

‍Which of the following is NOT a component of active listening?‏
A: attention
B: attitude
C: adjustment
D: ability
答案: 【 ability

​Speech communication is the interaction of all the seven elements in speech making process.‍​‍
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

‏Speech anxiety is natural born and there is no way to cope with it.‍
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‌In speech communication, listening is just as important as speaking.‌
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

‏The best way to reduce speech anxiety is through effective preparation.‍
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

‍Before a speech, is it helfful to think like this? ‍‍"People will laugh at my poor pronunication."‍
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‍Effective listeners should keep an open _________.‏
答案: 【 mind##%_YZPRLFH_%##perspective

​As an effective listener, one should make efforts to eliminate ________ in their work and study. ‍
答案: 【 distractions

Module 2 Know your audience well (I) 听众分析(一)

Quiz for Module 2 (I)

‏Please read the following paragraph and decide whether it is delivered to a beginner, a university student, a professional expert, or a young kid.‏‏ ‏‏The light reflected from an object or scene enters the camera through the focusing lens, which gathers the incoming light and forms a clear image in the viewfinder. The adjustable aperture determines the amount of light entering the camera according to the brightness and distance of the scene or object, and the shutter controls the opening time of the aperture for photographic exposure. When the shutter is released, the aperture flips open and light enters the film compartment. The light hits the recording surface and forms a negative image on the light sensitive film.‏‏‏‏‏
A: a beginner
B: a university student
C: a professional expert
D: a young kid
答案: 【 a university student

‏Please read the following paragraph and decide whether it is delivered to a beginner, a university student, a professional expert, or a young kid.‍‏ ‍‏Switch the Power button to “on”. Grasp the camera with its lens pointing away from you in your right hand so that your index finger is wrapped around the top, right-hand corner of the camera. Your remaining fingers should be in the notch of the lens cover and your thumb should be on the film compartment door. Aim the camera at the object that you will be photographing and look through the viewfinder. Center the main item of your picture into the middle of the viewfinder. Make sure the small, inner box in the very center of the viewfinder is on the object you want to photograph. This is the spot where the camera will focus. Failure to center the focusing box on your object can result in blurred pictures. Make sure that there is nothing, fingers or shoulder strap, directly in front of the lens. When everything is ready, depress the shutter release. Your picture is taken and the film is automatically advanced to the next frame. The camera automatically adjusts for different lighting situations and turns the flash on automatically when needed.‍‏‍‏‍
A: a beginner
B: a university student
C: a professional expert
D: a young kid
答案: 【 a professional expert

‍Please read the following paragraph and decide whether it is delivered to a beginner, a university student, a professional expert, or a young kid.​‍ ​‍A camera is a machine for taking pictures. A traditional camera generally consists



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